In the Crosshairs: Groanworthy Play on Words Challenge by Soulburnt +9
Responses: 0
Categories: None
Characters: None

Hoping to inspire one or more one-shots about targeting Spike – er, William the Bloody.

I don’t care what the ammunition is:  bullets, stakes, rotten tomatoes, Nerf projectiles, confetti cannons, flower petals, porcupine quills, contents of chamberpots.

I don't care what the propellant is:  a hand, a slingshot, a trampoline, a Wyndham-Pryce spring-loaded stakeholder, Buffy's unmentionables, pressurized gas, rubber bands from a potential's orthodontic braces.

I don't care how good the aim is.

I don’t care who is aiming:  the Whirlwind, a manic Dawn, a mob, a pissed-off Slayer, Willy the Snitch, Joyce, Drusilla, Angel, Fred, Clem.  Well, Tara would be awesome, if you can believably get her to hurl things.

I don't care if it's dark or lighthearted, sweet or bitter.  Doesn't matter when it happens, pre-series to post-series, or in an alternate reality.

The only ‘Must?’   

The fic must include the phrase, “Fire at Will.”  ow