Lil' Ripper Makes a Friend by tempestt +74
Responses: 1
Categories: Season 2
Characters: None

When he was a wee laddie, Rupert Giles found himself in a bit o' trouble.  Come on, we all know 10 year-old Giles would've been a little hellion.  Spike, who's around because he's hunting the slayer Giles's grandmother is assigned to is impressed by Giles's swaggering bravado and helps him out.  In doing so he dubs Giles Lil' Ripper.  A much more fitting name than nancy boy Rupert.

So begins an on-and-off, life long friendship between the two.

It's Spike who helps out Giles with the demon Eyghon during his Ripper phase, imparting the wisdom that 'magic has consequences'.

When Spike shows up in School Hard Giles immediately recognizes Buffy's description so he sets up a meet.  After finding out why Spike is at the Hellmouth, Giles strikes a deal.  He'll help Spike heal Drusilla if Spike agrees to help his slayer for an indeterminate amount of time.  Let's say until the end of the school year.  Giles realizes that having a bit of vampiric muscle on call is handy, but he's distrustful of Angel especially after Prophecy Girl.

How does this change S2?  How does Buffy react when her boyfriend Angel is openly disdainful of his grandchilde while her watcher seems to have a very friendly relationship with him.  Does Giles attitude change while Spike is around?  A little more swagger a little less tweed?

If Angelus comes out to play (doesn't have to be because of Buffy, maybe Dru does something 'cause she's losing her William), how does Buffy react when soulless Spike remains on her side to help take him down?  How does Spike react when Dru goes running after daddy?

Would love to see lots of Giles and Spike interaction.

Summary: From a challenge by tempestt
When he was a wee laddie, Rupert Giles found himself in a bit o' trouble.  Come on, we all know 10 year-old Giles would've been a little hellion.  Spike, who's around because he's hunting the slayer Giles's grandmother is assigned to is impressed by Giles's swaggering bravado and helps him out.  In doing so he dubs Giles Lil' Ripper.  A much more fitting name than nancy boy Rupert.
So begins an on-and-off, life long friendship between the two...  When Spike shows up in School Hard Giles immediately recognizes Buffy's description so he sets up a meet.  After finding out why Spike is at the Hellmouth, Giles strikes a deal.  He'll help Spike heal Drusilla if Spike agrees to help his slayer for an indeterminate amount of time.  [Full challenge here.] 
The breathtaking banner is the artwork of Versheenah, who was so gracious as to give this story a face.  Many, many thanks for your hard work and talent!
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: Pencilcomet
Artists: Versheenah
Categories: Pre-Series, Season 2
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Giles, Willow, Xander, Angel, Drusilla, Ethan Rayne, Jenny Calendar
Genres: Action/Adventure, HEA/HFN, Slow-Burn
Warnings: Adult Language, Buffy/Other (Temp), Character Death, Depictions of Bigotry, Sexual Situations, Spike/Other (Temp), Substance Use/Addiction, Underage Sex, Violence
Challenges: Lil' Ripper Makes a Friend
Event: 2019 Challenge Month
Completed: No Chapters: 42 Table of Contents
Word count: 196,417 Hit Count: 82,510 ePub Downloads: 559
Published: April 29, 2019 Updated: November 15, 2024