Summary: Dating a cast member of the Muppets was an honor if you thought about it.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: the_big_bad
Artists: Lady Emma
Series: Sugar, Spice, and World Saveage
Categories: Season 3, Alternate Reality, Drabbles
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Willow, Angel, Ensemble
Genres: Established Relationship, Fluffy/Comedy, HEA/HFN, Humor, Lighthearted, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations, Violence
Event: Drabblemania 2023
Completed: Yes Chapters: 9
Word count: 2,865 Hit Count: 1,791 ePub Downloads: 19
Published: July 29, 2023 Updated: August 04, 2023

Print or Download Story: Printer Microsoft Word ePub eBook

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Story Notes: We're onto story number 4, and there are only 6 in total! The title is pretty self-explanatory, so I don't have much else to say. Enjoy the fic!
Banner created by Lady Emma. The artists were Jenny Frison (Buffy and Angel), David Messina (Puppet Spike), Kevin Wada (Willow), and David Lopez (the background). For full transparency, I did manually edit the Buffy myself to help Emma, and I'm really happy with how she came out!

1. Love is a Battlefield by ClowniestLivEver - Likes: 8 Comments: 6 Word Count: 141 Hit Count: 408 Published: July 29, 2023

Prompt: Speed Dating

Beta read by the_big_bad (Deb)

2. Honey Bunny by ClowniestLivEver - Likes: 9 Comments: 6 Word Count: 271 Hit Count: 177 Published: July 29, 2023

Prompt: Bunny Demon

Beta read by the_big_bad (Deb)

3. Homemade Prezzies by ClowniestLivEver - Likes: 11 Comments: 7 Word Count: 306 Hit Count: 191 Published: July 29, 2023

Prompt: Knitting Demon

Beta read by the_big_bad (Deb)

4. Abracadabra, uh oh! by ClowniestLivEver - Likes: 9 Comments: 7 Word Count: 385 Hit Count: 174 Published: July 30, 2023

Prompt: Puppet Spike

Beta read by the_big_bad (Deb)

5. Private Time by ClowniestLivEver - Likes: 11 Comments: 7 Word Count: 401 Hit Count: 187 Published: July 31, 2023

Prompt: Wild Card - Cuddles

Beta read by the_big_bad (Deb)

6. Reconciliation by ClowniestLivEver - Likes: 10 Comments: 7 Word Count: 458 Hit Count: 160 Published: August 01, 2023

Prompt: Undo it, undo it!

Beta read by the_big_bad (Deb)

7. Andy's Coming! by ClowniestLivEver - Likes: 10 Comments: 8 Word Count: 232 Hit Count: 169 Published: August 02, 2023

Prompt: Pocket Size

Beta read by the_big_bad (Deb)

8. Say Cheese! by ClowniestLivEver - Likes: 8 Comments: 5 Word Count: 199 Hit Count: 159 Published: August 03, 2023

Prompt: Photo Booth

Beta read by the_big_bad (Deb)

9. Magic Trick by ClowniestLivEver - Likes: 11 Comments: 5 Word Count: 472 Hit Count: 166 Published: August 04, 2023

Prompt: In N' Out

Beta read by the_big_bad (Deb)