Hi, My Name is Susan and I'm a Spuffy-aholic.

Since I'm a new admin, we thought it would be a good idea for me to introduce myself to everyone. I didn't watch Buffy until late 2011 when I was looking for something to distract me from the monotony of running on a treadmill.  After finishing the show, I stumbled into fanfic while looking for information about the comics, and I've been here ever since. I don't write and I'm relatively quiet, so you may not have noticed me lurking in the corners.

I'm so grateful to Amy, Megan and Kathleen for keeping the site around for so long and for allowing me to help them bring Elysian Fields back. I'll do my best to continue helping with technical issues and hopefully get the site updated so it stays current. As of now, the site is running on a script that's almost 3 years old, and the developers don't have any plans to update. This means we're kind of limited in terms of what we can do about the spammer issue. Until we have other options, please continue to point out any newly registered spam accounts, and we'll do our best to delete them as soon as possible.

Thank you to everyone who has been so supportive of the site while it was being worked on! Please let us know if you have any questions, comments or concerns.


--Susan on November 25, 2012 10:45am 6 Comments

Welcome Susan!!! Thanks ever so for bringing EF back to all of us!!!  Big huggers!

-- Behind Blue Eyes on November 27, 2012 05:17am
So glad you are on the team!
-- pfeifferpack on November 27, 2012 07:08am
Happy to have you here, Susan!! Thanks for getting EF up and running again :D
-- rambler18 on November 30, 2012 05:46pm
Yes thank you so much! I had almost given up, after checking in day after day; as over the years I have sadly found it common for many of the best Spuffy sites to die out do to issues or money loss. However, I am so delight and excited to see that everything is up and running again! Thank you all for the hard work!
-- amslvr1 on December 19, 2012 09:53am
due* to
-- amslvr1 on December 19, 2012 09:53am
I discovered Buffy and Spike in 2010/2011 via fanfic and watched the series in 2011. SPUFFYFAN 4evar now... (And sometimes Spanything fan, lol.... If it's good fiction, it's good fiction.)

I think it's fantastic that new Spuffies are being "born" this many years after the series ended.
-- Singedbylife on December 26, 2012 12:49pm