Changes to Tagging Artwork

Hi all! It’s been almost a year and a half since we added artwork to Elysian Fields and we couldn’t be happier with how it’s been going—over 100 stories marked “artwork” have been added to the site since then, and we don’t think that number is slowing down any.

During that year and a half, however, we have noticed that our artwork tagging could use some improvement. There’s some confusion over which tags to use when, and the “Exclusively Artwork” checkbox conflicts with our site events, causing headaches for members trying to add their artwork to events.

With that in mind, we’re rolling out the following changes to artwork tags:

  • We are retiring the Artwork genre. Artwork is really a category of fanwork, not a genre, and this removes the duplication of tagging and reduces confusion about whether to use both the Artwork genre and category or just one.
  • All works tagged with the NSFW Artwork category, the NSFW Artwork genre, and the Artwork genre have been retagged by the mods and are now in the Artwork category.
  • A new category has been added, Narrative Artwork. Narrative Artwork is defined as a fanwork that combines written and visual art. Visual art is defined as a visual image or set of visual images including but not limited to drawings, digitally manipulated photographs, or videos. Works in the Narrative Artwork category must meet the criteria for story submissions.
  • The Artwork category is now defined as a visual image or set of visual images including but not limited to drawings, digitally manipulated photographs, or videos. Words, if present, are limited and/or incidental.
  • The Exclusively Artwork checkbox has been retired. All stories labeled using this checkbox have been added to the Artwork category if they were not already tagged with the category.

We ask all artists to check their stories and ensure they are tagged with the appropriate tags, including the categories for Artwork and Narrative Artwork as well as all the correct ratings and relevant warnings.

We're aware these changes might sound complicated, but we believe that they’ll simplify the process of posting, sharing, finding, and enjoying art on the site. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at elysianfieldsarchive@gmail.comor comment below.

--cawthraven and the Mods on March 18, 2024 12:28pm 5 Comments


-- HappyWhenItRains on March 18, 2024 01:04pm

Thank you for making these changes - 

-- nmcil on March 19, 2024 01:12am

Great idea. My first thought was for Dust Rising and how it was both artwork and a story.

-- slaymesoftly on March 24, 2024 11:26am

It’s a great idea, but is there any plan to hide the field if it is blank? You are going to see a lot of fics with blank fields cause they are old. 

-- Sithstalker on March 26, 2024 08:19am

Hi @sithstalker, we will not be hiding the field when it is blank. We consider it basic story metadata similar to other fields that are always visible. We hope currently active authors will go in and backfill their stories (so far about 300 stories have beta credits and over 375 have artist credits, and the feature is only two days old) and authors who log in for the first time in a while will see the new feature and update their stories as well.

-- cawthraven on March 26, 2024 07:55pm