New Feature: Artist of the Month!

Hi EF! We’re super pleased to announce that we are adding “Artist of the Month” as a new category to our Members of the Month. Nominations are open now (and will close as normal on the 25th of the month) so get your nominations in for Artist of the Month—and Author of the Month and Commenter of the Month—now.

We have a snazzy new award, designed by MillennialCryBaby, that’s based on the original Author of the Month and Commenter of the Month awards. We also have snazzy, updated awards for those moving forward, so that all three match (and we took advantage of the opportunity to update the language on Commenter of the Month so it no longer says Reviewer).

Artist of the Month Award

Author of the Month AwardCommenter of the Month Award

We’re really excited we now can honor all of our artists, whether they make banner art or post their art as fanwork stories in the archive. We want to thank all the many people who have asked for this over the years via the Suggestion Box, email, private messages, and chats. It’s taken us a long time to get to where we felt this was the right move for the archive, but we’re here now and super happy about it.

--cawthraven and the Mods on December 15, 2023 10:38am 5 Comments

ahhh those are gorgeous!


-- bewildered on December 15, 2023 06:12pm

Those are beautiful! Honoring an Artist of the Month is such a good idea.

-- slaymesoftly on December 16, 2023 04:04pm

Wow! the awards are beautiful.


-- Joan963z on December 16, 2023 07:50pm

These look great! Love that they match ??

-- Harmony99 on December 17, 2023 07:37pm

Super Nice on the new awards - especially with the Spike who always had something to say and Joyce with her arts connection.

-- nmcil on January 01, 2024 01:47am