Truce Event Wrap-Up

Our Truce event is officially over and I’m here with the stats! (Apologies for the delay in this post going live.)

There were 3 artwork-only works shared, 2 works consisting of both art and words, and 48 traditional (i.e. written) stories, as made via the collaborative effort of:

  • 45 Authors
  • 26 Artists (including banner artists)
  • 28 Beta Readers 

Between them, participating authors wrote 303,667 words during the event, across 118 chapters. A total of 441 members left comments or likes throughout the month of October, of which 264 commented on or liked event stories specifically, and 48 commenters met the requirements for an award. All comments for the event totalled 1,223, and the new stories generated for this event received a total of 2,111 likes. 

If you’re yet to check out any of the brand new challenge fics, you can FIND THEM ALL HERE.

Many, many thanks to everyone who took part, in whatever way you contributed. All participating authors, betas, artists, and commenters should now have the relevant awards on their profiles. If you seem to be missing one, or anything else seems not quite right, please drop us a line at

--EllieRose101 and the Mods on November 10, 2023 04:26pm 1 Comment

It was nice to see my award, thank you everyone.

-- magnus374 on November 11, 2023 01:31pm