Wrapping Up April Challenge Month 2023

Folks, we did it again!

April Challenge Month is over for another year, and I’m pleased to say y’all brought your A-game. 

During the event, the site saw the addition of 56 challenge fics, made up of 140 chapters, consisting of 384,594 words, and written by 48 authors.

28 artists and 28 betas got an award, while 54 members completed the commenter challenge, with 1,591 comments left on event stories during April, not to mention 2,679 likes!

Many thanks to everyone who took part, as always. 

All awards are now issued, but if you seem to be missing one, or anything else seems not quite right, please drop us a line at

If you have yet to check out any of the brand new challenge fics, you can FIND THEM ALL HERE

Until next time, happy reading!

--EllieRose101 and the Mods on May 06, 2023 10:18am 4 Comments

This was an amazing event friends! Thank you so much for organizing and hosting it flowers applause hug

-- ClowniestLivEver on May 06, 2023 10:28am

I second Liv!
Thank you also to everyone who contributed, be it with fic, art, comments or/and by betaing!
This challenge spawned so many great contributions! (I'm still working my way trough them... so many fics, so little time!)

-- Nightcandle on May 06, 2023 11:28am

Love seeing so many challenges being answered!  Thanks for hosting this event mods!

-- honeygirl51885 on May 06, 2023 03:54pm

What a fantastic event - I had a blast reading the new challenge fics! Thanks to the mods for organizing, and all the awesome writers, artists, betas, and commenters!

-- ShirtyBird on May 07, 2023 07:21am