Called Challenge Wrap Up

Welcome to the delayed wrap up post for the Called Challenge.

First of all, the stats:

  • New fic – 62 – this is a new site event record! 
  • Chapters added – 157
  • Words added – 638,472
  • Banners created – 52
  • Comments received – 1,875
  • Likes received – 3,498

(For challenge fic only, and accurate at the time of the news item being posted)

If you have yet to read the many fic created for this event, all Called Challenge fic can be found here.  

As always, a huge THANK YOU goes out to the artists, betas, commenters and authors who contributed to this challenge – our site events wouldn’t be half as successful without all of you and your participation.

If you participated in the Called Challenge as an author, artist, beta or commenter, you should find some pretty awards as a thank you for your participation on your profiles. 

Banner artist and beta awards were delivered to all members acknowledged by the author in either the Story Notes for the fic or the Summary itself. I have double-checked through all of them so hopefully none were missed.

If you believe you should have an award(s) and you’ve been missed by mistake, please shoot a PM to me (angelic_amy) so I can sort it out.

The event skin is no longer the site default, but for anyone wanting to keep the Called skin it is still available. Skin preferences can be set via preferences in your account settings. 

Thanks again to everyone who participated in the 2021 Called Challenge—we hope you enjoyed the event as much as we did.

And as always, happy reading!

--Amy on November 06, 2021 10:14pm 4 Comments

This was such an awesome challenge!  It got me writing a story I first had the idea for over a year ago.  Thank you so much for hosting!!  hearts

-- honeygirl51885 on November 07, 2021 01:10am

Thanks again! 

-- all choseny on November 07, 2021 05:03am

Thank you, mods for organizing this for us.

-- DeamonQueen on November 07, 2021 06:14am

You’re welcome guys - thanks for your participation! 

-- angelic_amy on November 07, 2021 12:33pm