Communion Wafers by AgentKalGibbs +2
Responses: 1
Categories: Challenge Response
Characters: Buffy

In Buffy's weapons chest at one point, we see Communion Wafers. Write a story that uses them as an offensive tool against vamps (and why they work, are they blessed, do they burn like Holy Water?). I don't care about anything else; length, rating, anything else that happens is up to the author. This is pretty much something small to insert into a fic you're already writing.


~ Kal

Summary: Beginning just after the events of “The Girl in Question” a benevolent vengeance demon grants an inadvertent wish made by Buffy in Rome that sends Buffy, Spike, and Xander back to the middle of “The Harsh Light of Day” where they are given a chance to change their past lives for the better.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: None