Summary: Beginning just after the events of “The Girl in Question” a benevolent vengeance demon grants an inadvertent wish made by Buffy in Rome that sends Buffy, Spike, and Xander back to the middle of “The Harsh Light of Day” where they are given a chance to change their past lives for the better.
Toth stick to the rescue by pfeifferpack +19
Responses: 1
Categories: Season 5
Characters: None
Categories: Season 5
Characters: None
The Ferula Gemina from the episode with Toth who split Xander into two would have been quite helpful in dealing with Ben/Glory.
Somehow it survives after Xander is put back into one and is available for use later when it would come in handy.
That's pretty much it... find a way for this tool to be used to split Ben and Glory and win the day. Probably have to be Spike to use it since he was the only one to remember that Ben and Glory were the same.
Must save Buffy from having to jump. If you can save Tara from the brain suck that's great too. Must lead to Spuffy or at least the beginnings of Spuffy, after all, Buffy would be grateful!
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: None
Artists: None
Categories: Season 4, Season 5, Season 6, Season 7, Post-Series, Crossover (AtS), Challenge Response, Time Travel, Baby/Kid Fic
Characters: Ensemble, Original Characters
Genres: Fix-It, HEA/HFN
Warnings: Character Death, Dubious Consent, Human!Spike
Challenges: Authors Choice, Communion Wafers, Buffy the Hair Magnet, Boys and Their Toys, Karaoke (Author's Choice of Name), Like Zoinks Scoob, Authors choice, Infinity Challenge, Anya and all the Easter bunnies, Even Bigger Fool (title tbd), 4th of July BBQ, Toth stick to the rescue, What is grief?, Love isn't fragile
Event: 2019 Challenge Month
Completed: Yes Chapters: 32 Table of Contents
Word count: 184,594 Hit Count: 112,646 ePub Downloads: 752
Published: April 06, 2019 Updated: August 30, 2023
Characters: Ensemble, Original Characters
Genres: Fix-It, HEA/HFN
Warnings: Character Death, Dubious Consent, Human!Spike
Challenges: Authors Choice, Communion Wafers, Buffy the Hair Magnet, Boys and Their Toys, Karaoke (Author's Choice of Name), Like Zoinks Scoob, Authors choice, Infinity Challenge, Anya and all the Easter bunnies, Even Bigger Fool (title tbd), 4th of July BBQ, Toth stick to the rescue, What is grief?, Love isn't fragile
Event: 2019 Challenge Month
Completed: Yes Chapters: 32 Table of Contents
Word count: 184,594 Hit Count: 112,646 ePub Downloads: 752
Published: April 06, 2019 Updated: August 30, 2023