Categories: Season 5, Season 6
Characters: Buffy, Ensemble, Original Characters, Spike
Another story Idea I'm planning on writing myself at some point, but I'm interested to know what someone else will do with it.
Takes place in either season 5 or 6.
The premise? A vamp hunter in his mid-twenties comes to Sunnydale. He has strength similar to Connor from Ats. He makes an appearance at one of the crucial "Spike bashing by the scoobies" moments. He defends Spike, much to Spike’s confusion as well as the scoobies.
It turns out he's Spike’s biological son, only, Spike has no memory of this. The mother is up to you, as for the reason he doesn't know. But some ideas
1. Spike slept with a slayer in the past and she and her Watcher never informed Spike of the pregnancy.
2. Drusilla wiped Spike’s memories of the person he slept with and the child.
3. The child could have be created by magical means, unbeknownst to Spike.
the requirements are
Spike’s son (Your choice on actual name and vamp hunter name) isn't mad that Spike doesn’t know, because he was already informed in advance (your choice by who).
Buffy gets to see a side of Spike she didn't know existed as he bonds with his son.
Happy Spuffy ending.
Can haves
anyone else you want to add.
Can't haves
if it's in season 6 no Buffy/Other. If it's based in season 5 you can have Buffy/Riley early on, but he has to do something stupid to make Buffy break up with him.
Buffy and Spike can't wait until the end of the story to get together. They don't have to be together straight away, but they can't only be a couple in the last 3 chapters.
Other than that it's up to you.

A/N: This fic is finished at 6 chapters. I'm aiming to upload fortnightly.
Artists: None
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Giles, Willow, Xander, Joyce, Original Characters
Genres: Drama, Fluffy/Comedy, Lighthearted, Slow-Burn
Warnings: Adult Language, Gun Violence, Violence
Challenges: Spike's Son (Authors choice)
Event: April Challenge 2023
Completed: Yes Chapters: 6 Table of Contents
Word count: 26,985 Hit Count: 4,134 ePub Downloads: 77
Published: April 30, 2023 Updated: July 14, 2023