Whatever you want to call it. by killjoy +15
Responses: 1
Categories: Crossover (AtS)
Characters: Ensemble

Lorne talks Spike into posing for a calendar shoot.....The Sexy Employees of Wolfram and Hart.

Funny thing is several demons....considered sexy by demon standards...are also in the calendar with him.

Funny gag is Fred keeps one hidden in a file cabinet in her office.

The calendars get out of LA and Buffy slays a demon who has one. She and the others get a kick out of it till they turn the calendar to a specific month....and get the shock of their life!

 As the head dude Angel can't pose for it or doesn't want to. But is very unhappy when Spike's month is very popular! And everyone looking at it at work.


PS.....Came by because I thought of something funny....Spike finds out how much his photos irk Angel. So for fun he slips into his office and sticks the photos all over his office. Even has it put on the Screensaver or homepage to Angel's computer. lol

Summary: Back among the (un)living at Wolfram & Hart, Spike finds himself annoying Angel while cheekily spreading Christmas Cheer—alongside an assortment of pretty boys flaunting their... unique assets—in the company’s ‘Sexiest Employees’ calendar. But what happens when the calendar lands in a place even the Oracles couldn’t have foretold? At Slayer-Central. After recovering from the shock of finding out Spike was back, Buffy rushes to LA. She has so many questions. Whose idea was the Santa hat? Why would anyone want to see a naked Chaos Demon draped in spring posies? Had Cordy ever seen the rockin’ bod Wes was hiding under all that tweed? But, most of all, why hadn't Spike called? (An Angel Season 5 AU Reunion fic)
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: all choseny, MissLuci, Passion4Spike
Artists: all choseny, Passion4Spike