Whatever you want to call it. by killjoy +11
Responses: 1
Categories: Season 6
Characters: Ensemble

Back in season two Buffy some how saw Spike and Dru doing some type of fancy Victorian Era dancing.....waltz or something like that(Sorry but I have NO clue on dancing styles lol)

During season six Buffy remembers this and in feeling jealous over it wants Spike to teach her how too do the same dance. Only problem is not having been raised in that era like Spike and Dru were Buffy has a hard time picking up the steps/moves. This frustrates her too no end.......the fact Spike mentioning that Dru was better at this then she is gets him in some serious trouble with Buffy lol.

Buffy ranting to Willow or someone about how is it that she can learn twenty different fighting style in one weekend but can't figure out some stupid simple foot moves would be funny.

Summary: Buffy’s great at a lot of things…dancing just has never been one of them. At least not the kind of dancing that Anya wants her wedding party to do. She has only one person to turn to and she’s not entirely happy about it…but she’s also not entirely upset about it, either.
Set after OMWF, mentions events of TR
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: scratchmeout
Series: Painted Me Golden
Categories: Season 6, Challenge Response
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Ensemble
Genres: Dramedy, HEA/HFN, Lighthearted, Porn w/ Plot, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Challenges: Whatever you want to call it.
Event: April Challenge 2022
Completed: Yes Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Word count: 15,029 Hit Count: 2,836 ePub Downloads: 91
Published: April 25, 2022 Updated: April 26, 2022