Hired Gun by killjoy +22
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Characters: Buffy, Cordelia, Drusilla, Giles, Jenny Calendar, Joyce, Spike, Willow, Xander

In this idea Angel with a soul doesn't exist. He can be running around as Angelus some where or was dusted years ago.......but NO Angel! 

Spike and Dru are separated and have been on the outs for a time now. They haven't seen each other in years. But Spike's not worried, for his dark goddess always comes back to him.

That's when Spike gets paid a visit by the Council of Wankers.....uhhmm I mean Watchers. It seems they have taken Dru hostage. They have a proposition for Spike.

Seems that they have a new Slayer on the Hellmouth in America. A slayer they can tell is going to be a problem......ie they can't control her.

So they tell the Slayer of Slayers they'll make a deal with him. If he goes to America and kill the new Slayer for them the Council will release Dru unharmed. 

Travers can't have Buffy killed out right by a wet works team because it could cause a revolt amongst the Council. 

Spike goes to Sunnydale to do the deed. He just never meant to fall in love with the Slayer he was sent to kill.