Summary: Three fics set in Buffy's birthday party in season 6. Same premise, really, just written years apart and somewhat differently. The main thing is by the time the party's over, Spike is no longer a secret  and it looks like that might be okay.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: None
Categories: Season 6, Episode Rewrite
Characters: Buffy, Clem, Dawn, Ensemble, Spike, Tara, Willow, Xander
Genres: Drama, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Blood Play
Completed: Yes Chapters: 3
Word count: 7,197 Hit Count: 3,032 ePub Downloads: 64
Published: July 30, 2016 Updated: August 16, 2016

Print or Download Story: Printer Microsoft Word ePub eBook

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Story Notes: Season Six being what it is, and being where I first began trying to make things better, I have more than one story for some episodes and/or some themes. This is where I'm stashing my fics based in or around Buffy's birthday party.  Since Gordian Knot is already posted, we'll just pretend it ended up here. :)

1. Chapter 1 Older and Far Wiser by slaymesoftly - Likes: 18 Comments: 5 Word Count: 3,721 Hit Count: 1,466 Published: July 30, 2016

 Disclaimer: Joss’s characters, Joss’s setting, it’s even his episode – all I did was twist it a bit.


Summary: Meant to be a drabble, but it grew.  A Spuffier twist to Older and Far Away in which Buffy admits some things and the world, surprisingly, doesn’t end. Takes place before things go really bad with demons and spells and so on. 11/20/07

Xander is a bit of a jerk, but he gets over it... mostly.


2. Chapter 2 Buffy Gets Older, Xander Gets Wiser by slaymesoftly - Likes: 21 Comments: 9 Word Count: 1,363 Hit Count: 819 Published: July 30, 2016

January, 2014 - I like this one better, I think.

3. Older and Closer to Love by slaymesoftly - Likes: 15 Comments: 5 Word Count: 2,113 Hit Count: 747 Published: August 16, 2016