New skin available!

We have a new skin, credits to the lovely and talented Kargrif. To view, go to the panel on the left-hand side of the screen and switch from "elysian" to "spuffy1." If you wish to switch skins, you'll have to do so via your account info.

Thanks, Karyn!

--Holly on January 07, 2007 07:53pm 4 Comments
Oooh! Very pretty. Thanks Karyn!
-- angelic_amy on January 08, 2007 01:42pm

You're so welcome. Hope everyone enjoys it!

 And thanks Amy!!

-- kargrif on January 08, 2007 05:45pm

Oh it's utterly gorgeous! Karyn you are a star!


-- Schehrezade on January 09, 2007 03:08am
I really like the new skin. However, when I switch into it, the tagboard from the homepage disappears. It's not a BIG deal, but I thought someone would want to know.

-- Kay on January 12, 2007 07:26am