Classic Spuffy

So I was chatting with spuffy luvr, and I got an idea (Isn't that how all great ideas come about? By chatting with spuffy luvr?). Anyway, the gist of it was that there are so many wonderful classic Spuffy stories/authors that are slowly disappearing as various author websites and other archives go offline. It's really a shame that many quality stories are vanishing even though there are so many people still in the fandom around to enjoy them. I'm hoping to contact some of the classic authors to see if they will give Elysian Fields permission to add their work to our archive (nothing will be added without the author's permission first). If you have any classic authors who are no longer active in the fandom that you'd like added, you can let me know through the site email (ssolace at, and I'll see what I can do. One of the main issues is finding current contact information since most of the listings are woefully out of date, so if you happen to have contact information for them, that would be pretty swell.

I have already gone ahead and contacted a few of my favorites, so there are a few things to add already. As new (old?) stories get added, please review them as usual. Just don't get too excited when you see them in the most recent list. They're not headed back into writing Spuffy fanfic, it's just me adding stuff.

--Susan on September 16, 2013 07:16am 14 Comments

I am very happy with this project! I was just looking for an ePub version of "Distance" last week, I kid you not.

I'd love to see "Lost In Time" by spikeskat go up here, as the story is only available via Wayback as of a few weeks ago. Let me know if you can't reach her. Her LJ (one of them, anyway) is still active, but I haven't received an answer to my last message.

-- Rebcake on September 16, 2013 02:01pm

Yay! My mind reading classes have not been in vain {#Big Grin}.

I found a few email addresses for spikeskat, but I have no idea if any are still vaild. However, I gave it a shot. We'll see what happens.

-- Susan on September 16, 2013 05:26pm

Great ideea. :-) 

-- andreea_peach on September 18, 2013 10:01am

I'm happy with this project too! Seems a good way to keep the fandom alive :)

-- kasumi_chan on September 21, 2013 10:20am

How about Spikewriter?  She wrote a whole bunch of fic I loved back in the day.  Some of it's archived elsewhere, but not all.  And her site has been down for ages, so it's only wayback machine available.

Another one would be wisteria, who as far as I know never archived her fic; only links.  Of course her site is another that's long gone!

-- zanthinegirl on September 26, 2013 03:44pm

@zanthinegirl, I sent an email to Wisteria. Do you have information on where I can find/contact spikeswriter?

-- Susan on September 30, 2013 05:17am

I hope that you will include Ariane's work in your Classics - This is another wonderful early writer who is mostly only accessible via The Way Back Machine. 

-- nmcil on October 04, 2013 01:36pm

@nmcil, I found Ariane's stories here: and there's a big disclaimer on the top saying "Do Not Archive" so I'm guessing she'll say no when asked. I'm more than willing to try though, but I don't see any contact information for her. There's a guestbook and feedback link on her page, but it doesn't lead anywhere. Do you have any idea how to contact her?

-- Susan on October 05, 2013 02:48pm

I think this is an amazing idea. I stopped reading Spuffy YEARS ago. Even before the series ended. A month ago I just decided to read again and I'm hooked. Like obsessed, spike is in my dreams kind of hooked. I can just imagine all the good fics I missed out through the years. If you can do this and build this classic archive, that would be AMAZING. 

-- isis1983 on November 10, 2013 07:16am

I have to second a request for Ariane's work--it would be wonderful to have her stories at EF. I also have recently discovered Dark Dreamluver's stories and would love to see her WORK on EF😊

-- margueritedaisy on November 21, 2013 10:21am

If nothing else with Ariane - you can list the link for the way back machine.  She was extremely ill last I had any contact with her.  At that time she was trying to update her site - but only the short stories were updated.  All the long works can only be accessed with those two links.

Another writer from the earlier FF era is Isabelle - She has some work listed with Death Marked Love 

-- nmcil on November 23, 2013 06:49pm

There's really nowhere on EF to just list links. If we can get permission to add the stories to the archive, I will, but that's about all I can do. At this point, I have no idea how to contact Ariane, and I won't add her stories here without her consent. nmcil, since you've already been in contact with her sometime in the past, you can see if you can get a message to her.

I sent emails to Isabelle and Dark Dreamluver. If I get a response and permission, I'll add their works.

-- Susan on November 24, 2013 09:09am

@susan - I'm coming extremely late to this party, but I did some hunting around on Ariane's old website and Fanfiction.Net page (her user name over there is Ariane1) and found an email address. No clue if it's still valid, but the email in question is "". You might also try the PM function on FFN.

-- obscurebookwyrm on January 03, 2014 06:13am

I would love to see Lizerrrbeathan's work on EF. Does anyone know if this wonderful author would be willing to archive her stories on this site? 

-- margueritedaisy on February 05, 2014 09:40am