Mark Stories as Read

Over the last few weeks, I've made a few tweaks to the site based on comments and emails from various members, so thanks to those who have let me know when they noticed a bug. There were a few issues with the advanced search that have been resolved, and the issues with the ePub files that have a ? in the title have been fixed.  Also, I added a random story section on the main page (under the most recent stories), because who doesn't love a random story once in a while. Basically, every time you load the homepage, a new story will appear at random.

However, the main reason for this post is a new feature I wanted to explain. Previously, each story gave you the following options: [Add to Bookshelf] [Add Story to Favorites] [Add Author to Favorites]. Now, there's an additional choice: [Mark as Read]. When you click Mark as Read, you'll be taken to a confirmation page. When you look back at that story in the listings or on the story page, it will have a red check mark next to the title. This way, when you're looking at a long list of stories, you'll easily be able to differentiate between stories you've already read and once you haven't. If you want to see a listing of the stories that you've marked as read, there's a new option for that in the Favorites and Bookshelf section of your Account Info page. The stories you mark as read are not public, and are only viewable by you.

Let me know if you have any questions, and as always, feel free to let me know if something with the site seems buggy or isn't working correctly. Also, I still remember the request for a better beta list, and it's definitely on my radar, but I just haven't had the time to work on it lately. I'll get to it eventuallyTechnical Problems.

--Susan on June 25, 2013 04:00pm 3 Comments

I approve!  Two thumbs up for 'mark as read' and 'random story'. 

-- Baphrosia on June 25, 2013 04:47pm

Thanks, spuffy! Also, thanks for your help when I was thinking this all through. Sorry I basically ignored all your suggestions, but that's because off my lack of advanced technical skills, not because they weren't good ideas :) .

-- Susan on June 25, 2013 05:36pm

Think 'mark as read' function is very useful! And 'random story' section too!

Just found out a beatiful story with that!

Thanks for all your patience and willingness to improve this site! {#Heart}

-- kasumi_chan on June 30, 2013 04:15am