Download Stories in ePub Format

I just added a new feature that might help some of our members who prefer to read on an e-reader. When viewing a chapter, you previously had the option to print or download the Word version of the chapter or the entire story. Now, after the Word option, you'll see a new choice with this icon: . This allows you to download the chapter or story in ePub format. EPub is a widely used eReader file type and is compatible with the Nook and Sony Reader. Also, you can easily add the ePub file to iBooks on your iPhone or iPad. To do this, use Safari on your device to browse to the story of your choice. When you select the ePub link, you will be able to select Open in "iBooks". This will place the chapter or story on your iBooks shelf and you can read from there even if you're offline. ePub is not compatible with the Kindle, but it's easy to convert the ePub format into MOBI, which is compatible with the Kindle. To convert the file, you can download a program such as Calibre, or you can convert online with a site like this one: I think that the Kindle Fire can open ePub files with an app like Overdrive but I'm not sure. I only have an iPhone 4 and an old school Kindle, so that's what I've tested with. I'll gladly test with other devices provided you purchase them for me Wink.

Hopefully this will make reading on an eReader easier for you if you have one. However, since you'll be reading offline, make sure and come back to leave a review for the story!

It took me a little while to get things to work properly with this, so there may be a few kinks (not the good kind). If you run into any problems, just let me know and be patient while it all gets worked out.


--Susan on April 07, 2013 05:38pm 16 Comments

I love this feature!  Thanks so much, Susan!

-- hellani on April 08, 2013 12:09pm

You are awesome! That will be a very useful feature, once I get that iPad I've got my eye on. ;-)

-- Rebcake on April 09, 2013 09:45pm

Susan, you are amazing. Your hard work and time is much appreciated. 



-- Tipsytoes on April 10, 2013 03:59am

You're welcome{#Love}. I'm glad people other than me find this useful.

-- Susan on April 10, 2013 06:14am

Holy God, I love you, Susan. My obsession with Spuffy has drawn me away from my Nook, but now I can knock the dust off of it, and put it to use once more. Thank-you!

-- BagBunny on April 11, 2013 04:15am

Thanks so much for this! :)

-- Cordykitten on June 03, 2013 12:49pm

thanks for this feature!:) but is there anyway way where you can include the summary of the fics on there? because I have a nook and I basically just collect as much fics as I can and sometimes I forget the summary of some of the stories. 

-- spikeys on June 04, 2013 07:39pm

That's a good question, spikeys. I have no idea if I can add the summaries on there. I'm thinking probably not since the ePub conversion script isn't very customizable, but I'll definitely give it a try.

-- Susan on June 05, 2013 06:21pm

alright. Thanks!:) 

-- spikeys on June 05, 2013 06:43pm

I have the Nook Smart touch, do I need to have the tablet type one to be able to download this?

-- kasumi on June 10, 2013 04:40pm

Supposedly all Nooks can load ePub files. I have no experience with this though since I don't have a Nook. You'll need to check out the manual or look online for instructions.

-- Susan on June 10, 2013 05:07pm

Spikeys, Summaries have been added! I posted in the shoutbox, but wanted to mention it here as well in case you miss that.

-- Susan on June 11, 2013 04:36pm

oh yay! thank you so much!:) 

-- spikeys on June 12, 2013 05:44am

Thank you Thank you Thank you!! Yayyy! Now can read spuffy on the bus, train, work, in the sun , on the get the picture .... {#Read}

-- velvetbullit on July 02, 2013 01:50pm

I read a lot of different fic on several different sites and this is the only site I've seen with the option to download a storyas an e-book or upload chapters of an unfinished story to an e-reader; and I love this feature.  I immediately downloaded my favorites so I'd have them to read any time, any where. I found a bunch of completed stories I hadn't read before and downloaded some new reading for the doctor's office, my lunch break, etc.   It has made browsing even more fun since I know if a story is too big to finish in the time I have I can download it and (since I keep my e-reader in my purse) take it with me to finish later. Thank you for adding this neat new feature; this place just gets better and better. {#Squee}

-- Renee2939 on July 12, 2013 06:36pm

Thanks for the feedback, everyone! I'm glad to hear that the epubs are being used.

-- Susan on July 17, 2013 04:32pm