Auction/Donations for Kain

The loss of Kain has touched so many of us very deeply.  The loss of a child has to be one of the most tragic things to happen in one's life, and on top of that loss, a parent is then slogged with extreme costs in order to care for their child even once passed.  It is the desire, then, for a number of us to try to raise some money to relieve Spikeslovebite of the burden of finding funeral costs for her beloved Kain.  Already a number of past writers have offered to write for an auction--swapping fic written to specs by the auction winner.  Some of us feel more than a little nervous that the more current authors and followers of the site might look at our names and go, huh?  scratching their heads and wonder why a bunch of oldies would hope someone out there still likes their fic enough to donate towards a new piece.  So...if there are newer authors out there who can find it in their hearts to participate, we'd be so very, very grateful.

 We are in the process of setting up an Auction site as we speak, thanks to the brilliant Susan, our newest Administrator.  I have no clue how we got on without her!  Please reply here or send a message to me (megpf27 @ gmaildotcom) or Kathleen so we can add you to the list.  And, even if you aren't a writer but have some other talent (I knit!) or are good with graphics, please also consider contributing.  The more $ we can help Tami and her family with, the better.


Love to you all! 



--Megan on January 05, 2013 09:29pm 4 Comments
I sent an email, but I'll reply here as well. I'm willing to do a thing. Person could take their choice of a short story, a dirty Spuffy poem/song thing OR a cross stitched refrigerator agnet of Spuffy.
-- Puddinhead on January 10, 2013 02:52pm
I've just replied to your email.  Looking forward to seeing your magnet!
-- on January 10, 2013 04:37pm
I'd love to lend a helping hand. I'll donate a story or beta service or promise to read and review every chapter of someone's story. I don't know. Just put me down for whatever you need and if you don't need anything, I can bid on the auction. :)
-- Jaesha on January 13, 2013 01:44pm
Jaesha, thank you!  I'm announcing the auction no.  We would LOVE bidders, LOL, and reviews.  I'm not sure how everyone is placed for betas, but definitely announce on the chat that you're available.  We have heaps of writers at this point, but remind me later if you really want to write--and let me know what you've written before--and I can ask Susan to add you.
-- on January 14, 2013 06:32pm