Accessing Adult Material

Since 95% of the emails we receive is about accessing NC-17 and/or AO rated stories, I thought I'd AGAIN remind all readers of our Terms of Service.

You MUST HAVE AN ACCOUNT REGISTERED WITH ELYSIAN FIELDS TO ACCESS ADULT RATED STORIES. Registering an account is free; you are not obligated to contribute fiction upon doing so. After registering, please go into the tab under "Account Info" labeled "Edit Account Information." Toward the bottom of the screen, you will find this:

I am of the age of consent in my locale to view materials with adult content.  I realize that by agreeing, the normal warnings for stories with adult content will be by-passed. Yes No

Please make sure you have done this BEFORE emailing the mods, as it becomes clear to us that the Terms of Service are being ignored or bypassed by readers. This is a basic rule at Elysian Fields and has been since we opened.

If you are still having trouble accessing adult material after having registered and submitting verification of age, please DO email the mods. That is a valid concern, and we are happy to help.

--Holly on June 04, 2009 03:13am 0 Comments