Seven Seasons Spuffy Ficathon!
Three of Elysian Fields’ admins—Megan, Spikeslovebite, and myself—run an online community via Live Journal called Seven Seasons. Originally opened as a way for authors and artists to express Spuffy love through the seasons of BtVS, it has been at a standstill since the conclusive round.

Until now.

I’m here to announce to all Spuffy authors that Seven Seasons is once again open for business and is now hosting a FICATHON. If you’re not familiar with ficathons, I encourage you to head over to the community to see what all the fuss is about. I know many of you might not be on live journal, and therefore think you have no means of participating. I’m here to tell you that’s not the case. If you find the ficathon interesting and want to participate without the inconvenience of signing up for LJ, feel free to contact me ( or Megan ( with a brief email indicating you’d like to participate. YOU CAN POST YOUR ENTRIES HERE! We’ll have a special category established for ficathon entries.

This is a great way to get your muse into a playful mood. Please, head over and give the ficathon a glance. We look forward to seeing your work!

--Holly on September 04, 2008 08:47pm 0 Comments