LiveJournal Community

Hello and welcome to Elysian Fields!

We the mods are very excited to invite you all - readers and writers alike - to be part of this new family. As you will see when you look at the list of authors already archived, we have a mix of authors both new and old to the fandom, and we believe this diversity is what will make Elysian Fields a success. We want to encourage everyone to get right in there; read, review and write! 

This archive started out as an idea that has since become something beyond our wildest dreams and we hope you enjoy it as much as we do. Elysian Fields has brought back the love of writing, spuffy, the fandom, for a lot of authors and we hope that it will also inspire you. 

Here at Elysian Fields we want to encourage everyone, and drabbling is how some people dip their feet into writing world. That is why a LiveJournal community has been opened to accompany the site. This community is for everyone. Writers, readers, betas, lurkers. As with most self posting archives, Elysian Fields has a minimum word requirement per chapter - here it is 750 words. Ficlets are accepted but they must reach that minimum to be posted on the site. This means that drabbles are inelligeble for posting. However - we have a solution! Elysian Fields LiveJournal Community

This community can be used for posting drabbles, asking for fic recs, where any information from the mods will be posted in regards to the site, and is basically a place for readers and writers to connect. So go join!

We want everyone to enjoy their time here, and getting to know each other will help to make this archive, this new community, a success. So if you sign up for an account, make sure you fill in your bio! If you would like to pimp the archive, snag a button from the post below!

Once again, welcome to Elysian Fields!

--Amy on November 30, 2006 01:41pm 0 Comments