Addition to the Elysian Fields TOS

There has been a very minor alteration to the TOS - a new rule which has been tacitly understood but now implemented in full. As some of you might be aware, an underage author has been floating a story around at least two of the Spuffy archives, something which has raised concerns among some in our community. Underage authors aren't exactly an anomaly in the fandom, but as this particular author was closer to ten than twenty, therefore action was taken. The Elysian Fields staff has concluded that authors should be at least seventeen years old to post here, as our site includes incredibly adult material. Access to stories with ratings G-R will remain open, and of course, we operate on the honor system when it comes to age. But for those authors who are open about being underage, we must take precautions as to not find ourselves liable for the material on this site.

What does this mean to you? Nothing much. We merely have implemented a new rule to ensure Elysian Fields is absolved should we become the target of angry parents. Naturally, we cannot help who may or may not become irate at what their child reads, but this does ensure that we have adequately covered our tracks.

Thank you, and happy reading/writing!

--Holly on January 19, 2008 10:20pm 5 Comments
I think that's a good thing. The author in question asked for suggestions of some fics to read and so I suggested mine. I was horrified to hear her later talking of her age! My stories aren't as graphic as some but I still felt very uncomfortable that I had steered her to them. So you have definately done the right thing.
-- Mabel Marsters on January 19, 2008 11:45pm

Great idea.  I don't write but do read some very graphic and smutty stories...and while I applaud authorship of any age, it is good to protect both young readers until old enough...and this site from legal problems and angry parents. 

I would be horrified if my daughter of age 9 was reading stuff I had read on this site.  Don't get me wrong here, I am not ashamed, just smart enough to know what her mind could handle, or not. 

Thanks EF for caring! (you too, Holly :D)

-- kimmyadams on January 20, 2008 08:39am

Well this is news to me, but I'm always late in hearing or reading things. To have someone so young wanting to read certain fics, not good. I mean, when I was 10 I was too busy playing with Barbie and reading Goosebumps to know anything else.

And thinking about my 10 yr. old, the majority of what what is posted here even if she did read any of it, would go over her head. Which is a good thing.

-- Goldenbuffy on February 03, 2008 09:10pm
I actually know the person she is talking about, and I tried to get the mod at SR to remove the account...but was told that it's a free site, will remain so, and that parent's should watch their own kids.  The author is only 12!  I mean, come on!  If I caught my 12 yr old son reading some of this stuff, I'd castrate him!  LOL  And that's after I cut off his hands!  No, but seriously...he'd be in major, MAJOR trouble.  I asked the 12 yr old if her parent's knew what she was doing...she said "My dad said it's fine."  UGH.  But thanks Holly for doing least here, I know she won't be posting.  Thanks!
-- Darkrivertempest on February 07, 2008 10:33am
We felt it was the best way for us to be responsible moderators. 
-- angelic_amy on February 09, 2008 07:12pm