Happy Birthday to us!

Elysian Fields is officially one year old today (the 1st of December). On behalf of my fellow co-mods I'd like to thank everyone who has been involved in creating and building our wonderful archive; readers, writers, lurkers and artists... all of you. Without you all the archive would not be the success that it is.

--Amy on December 01, 2007 11:19pm 3 Comments
I'm a bit late but... Happy Birthday EF!!! I just love this site, you ladies in charge are doing a wonderful job... thank you!  :D
-- Irina on December 02, 2007 07:08pm
Wow! I can't believe it's been a year! Congrats
-- Demonica Mills on December 03, 2007 02:50am
Love that I share a birthday with EF! Congrats on 1 year with such a great site!
-- PrettyGirlBPD on December 03, 2007 08:32pm