Round 2 banner claims open

Hi everyone!

Just a quick message to confirm that Round 2 Banner Claims are officially open. The process is exactly the same as Round 1 and all of the details for how to grab a shiny piece of muse enticing prettiness can be found HERE on the last news post.

As our cup has more that runneth over (we've had a happy flood of banners), authors who have successfully claimed a banner during Round 1, and have (or may be planning to) claim a banner for Round 2, will also have the opportunity claim further banners during Round 3.

Round 3 Banner Claims (for authors who have successfully claimed 2 banners already) will open for claims on the 13th of March (site time). 

A final note to any potential authors who've yet to sign up: it's not too late to join the party. If you haven't claimed a banner yet, you can do so at any time. Round 2 being open doesn't lock anyone out who has not previously joined the fun. In fact, your request could be a double (claiming your Round 1 and Round 2 requests at the same time).

To the currently participating authors - happy writing! write

And to the fence-sitters considering signing up - come on... you know you want to. wink

--Amy on March 05, 2021 07:00pm 4 Comments

Quick question - slightly confused by the phrasing so I want to know, for someone who hasn't claimed any banners yet, do I have to wait for the 3rd round to open or can I just claim one now?

-- Puppet on March 10, 2021 10:07am

@Puppet: you can claim one now

-- OffYourBird on March 10, 2021 10:34am

I can’t believe I managed to miss every single round for claiming even after I told myself not to forget.facepalm Is it too late or can we still claim a banner?

-- IceBlueRose on March 22, 2021 10:32am

@IceBlueRose - claiming is still open! Claim away :)

-- OffYourBird on March 22, 2021 11:06am