Banner update: Artistic Anniversary Challenge

Hi everyone!

Well, the entries are coming in hard and fast, and at present we have a count of 57 banners uploaded. That blows my mind, and I am so impressed and excited by the level of interest the challenge has created. We still have another week (until the 6th of August) for banner submissions, if anyone is still wanting to contribute. Thanks again to everyone who has contributed so far.

Side note, from an admin perspective, please ensure you send me all of the relevant information for your banner submissions. The most important thing (apart from the art itself) is your member ID/penname. Banners are not being loaded anonymously, and if I don't have that information I can't put your gorgeous work up! 

Now, with the massive amount of entries so far, there is bound to be some errors with the uploading. A couple of artists have contacted me already because their specifications were a little screwy--something with the copy/pasting process not translating correctly. So, if you made a banner, and you notice something isn't right, please email me so I can correct it! **EDIT: And please ensure you add the banner number assigned to make it easier for me to search through to make changes. Thanks!

Banner claiming is currently not open. But it will be, soon. So author's, start brainstorming. I'll post the requirements for the banner claiming process within the next couple of days.

Wanna see the pretties? CLICK HERE

--Amy on July 29, 2016 03:50pm 0 Comments