Oh Spike! by Holly +33
Responses: 1
Categories: Season 2, Season 3, Season 4
Characters: Buffy, Buffybot, Ensemble, Spike

So, we all love a good time travel fic.

What if the person who got sent back in time wasn't a person at all? What if it was the Buffybot? Freshly programmed to meet Spike's every fantasy. Except the Spike she finds isn't one who has realized he's in love with the Slayer, but he can't deny he's intrigued. And a little -- okay, maybe a lot -- turned on.

How does this happen? Up to you.

Why does this happen? Up to you.

Where does the Buffybot end up? Seasons 2-4, though the earlier the better.


  • Buffybot sent to a point in Seasons 2-4 (dealer's choice which one, how, and why)
  • Happy Spuffy ending
  • Confused/concerned Scoobies
  • Spike legitimately thinks the Bot is Buffy for at least a small stretch of time (I know, he should be able to smell that she isn't human, detect a lack of heartbeat/pulse, but maybe he's all banged up the way he was in Intervention at the end, which is my official head!canon as to how he didn't immediately realize that Buffy wasn't the Bot)
  • The Buffybot interacting with the Scoobies with her preprogrammed understanding of their interests/occupations

Bonus Points:

  • Confused/jealous Angel

Must Avoid At All Costs:

  • Ehh, as long as there's a happy Spuffy ending, I'm good.


Summary: Challenge by Holly. The Buffybot goes back in time to fix things. Starts at Lovers Walk and immediately goes...south.
**Perfectly perfect banner by the uh-mazing OffYourBird!**
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: None
Categories: Season 3
Characters: Buffy, Buffybot, Ensemble, Spike
Genres: Fluffy/Comedy, Lighthearted, Porn w/ Plot, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Challenges: Oh Spike!
Completed: Yes Chapters: 21 Table of Contents
Word count: 93,891 Hit Count: 39,431 ePub Downloads: 486
Published: March 31, 2020 Updated: August 21, 2020