Active Beta and Sensitivity Readers
There are 77 beta readers who are active and currently accepting new stories. There are 8 sensitivity readers who are active and currently accepting new stories.

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*Elysian Fields does not screen beta readers or sensitivity readers. All information below is supplied directly by members and simply hosted by Elysian Fields. Using a beta reader or sensitivity reader from this list does not guarantee that your story or chapter will be validated.*

Ratings I'll beta: •R  •NC-17  •Adult Only
I can help beta read: •British English  •Plot Suggestions 
Turnaround for an average length chapter: 4-7 days
Experience: I’ve beta’d for several authors ranging in several different fandoms. I’m strongest at helping you smooth out your prose, finding repetitive words and phrasing, and bouncing back and forth ideas for where wips can head to.
Story types/topics I will not beta or sensitivity read: Genuinely happy to read most plots, but would prefer to keep non-con stuff not too graphic. 
Additional Comments: I hail from Kent in England, close to the fictional homes of both Giles and Spike, so language and vernacular for those two characters I have a bit of an edge. 
Ratings I'll beta: •G  •PG  •PG-13  •R  •NC-17  •Adult Only
I can help beta read: •American English  •Canon Elements  •Grammar  •Plot Suggestions  •Punctuation 
Turnaround for an average length chapter: 1-3 days
Experience: While I have not betaed, I am extremely well versed in the particulars of everything BtVS the show. My job required me to proofread and pay attention to small details for anything written for or by any staff member in the company.
Story types/topics I will not beta or sensitivity read: All human
vampire Buffy
stories using the characters basic names/personalities but otherwise have little to nothing to do with the series
Any torture or rape that isn’t essential to the story line
Additional Comments: I’m not a fan of anything that portrays any of the characters in an extremely terrible or completely lacking flaws. 
For many years I was in charge of a business that required a lot of proofreading, grammar, punctuation, and making sure all new documents had the necessary elements from previous interactions and documents.
I know the major plot points to the BtVS comics and the Angel & Faith comics as well having access to them all to refer to them. In addition, I know key elements in Angel.
Ratings I'll beta: •G  •PG  •PG-13  •R 
I can help beta read: •American English  •Canon Elements  •Grammar  •Plot Suggestions  •Punctuation 
Turnaround for an average length chapter: 4-7 days
Experience: I betaed a chapter of "A Slayers Fortune" by VeronaFiernan. I aslo betead "Inner Demon=Literal Cat" by Desicat. I have beta read for ClowniestLivEver multiple times. I've betaed a few other stories as well. I have participated in several workshop based creative writing classes where I read other students' work and offered my thoughts and suggestions.
Story types/topics I will not beta or sensitivity read: I will not beta stories with the following:
  • Sex scenes, especially very explicit ones. I don't want to read them, and you don't want me offering my advice on them. (I'd be willing to work with closed-door/fade to black or open door that is fairly brief like 1,000 words or less, and not all the explicit.)
  • Anything with rape/non-con/dub-con. Brief discussion of is ok as long as it's handled in a delicate way.
  • Anything with extreme violence/torture. Canon-typical is fine.
  • Incest. Sire/child could be considered pseudo-Incest but I am fine with it. True incest, however, nope, not gonna happen. Basically, I'd be fine with Angel(us)/Drusilla but not Joyce/Dawn.
  • Underage/adult. Only exception is canon relationships such as Buffy/Angel when she was still underage.
Additional Comments: My knowledge of canon is rock solid up for BtVS, for the most part. . My knowledge of AtS canon is shaky, S1 I'm good with, but it gets shaky after that. My knowledge of the comics is very broad ideas of a few storylines. 
If I think you're character bashing I will tell you. (Personally I don't care for it, but it has it's place. If it's intentional let me know.)
Weird, niche knowledge about: Biology (cellular/molecular/biochemistry, anatomy and physiology, evolution etc), psychology, the Sims, folklore, cheerleading.
Will talk your ear about any of the above things. Loves to debate vampire biology.
I love to work with authors and help them talk through what they're trying to accomplish! I also try to give more neutral feedback and less value judgements, but willing to offer opinions. Basically I will adapt to what you're looking for.
Ratings I'll sensitivity read for: •G  •PG  •PG-13  •R  •NC-17 
Turnaround for an average length chapter: 4-7 days
Experience: I beta for bewildered, cawthraven, EllieRose101, and occasionally DarkVoid116
Story types/topics I will not beta or sensitivity read: I will not read:
  • Threesomes (unless an alternate version of Spuffy is the third)
  • Extensive Spuffy/other
  • Baby fic
Additional Comments: As a result of my lifelong battle with OCD, I have done a lot of research and been in therapy for many years. 
Ratings I'll beta: •G  •PG  •PG-13  •R  •NC-17  •Adult Only
I can help beta read: •British English  •Canon Elements  •Grammar  •Plot Suggestions  •Punctuation 
Turnaround for an average length chapter: 4-7 days
Experience: None
Story types/topics I will not beta or sensitivity read: I will beta anything but I may not be helpful editing anything particularly sexual.
Additional Comments: I’ve been spuffy obsessed since I was about 13 but only recently discovered this amazing community. I am extremely good at remembering canon elements so one of my biggest strengths would be at clarifying timelines for any stories that deviate from canon but still contain canon elements.
Ratings I'll beta: •G  •PG  •PG-13  •R  •NC-17  •Adult Only
I can help beta read: •American English  •Grammar  •Punctuation 
Turnaround for an average length chapter: 1-3 days
Experience: Dynamite’s “The Worst Day Since Yesterday”
MaggieLaFey’s “Someone To Lean On” (Ch 8-10)
Feanix88’s “Stray” (Ch 7-10)
Story types/topics I will not beta or sensitivity read:
Additional Comments:
Ratings I'll beta: •PG  •PG-13  •R  •NC-17  •Adult Only
I can help beta read: •American English  •Canon Elements  •Grammar  •Plot Suggestions  •Punctuation 
Turnaround for an average length chapter: 4-7 days
Experience: None yet.
Story types/topics I will not beta or sensitivity read:
Additional Comments:
Ratings I'll beta: •NC-17  •Adult Only
I can help beta read: •American English  •Grammar  •Plot Suggestions  •Punctuation 
Turnaround for an average length chapter: 4-7 days
Experience: I don't have any fanfic beta experience yet, but I do have peer editing experience from Honors College writing intensive classes I've taken. Also, I love to read and write as well as give and receive feedback for works in progress. I find it helps the process go more smoothly to have another set of eyes on my work. Hopefully we can collaborate. Looking forward to exchanging drafts! :)
Story types/topics I will not beta or sensitivity read:
Additional Comments: I've been in the fandom since the series was on the air, and reading fanfic for almost as long, but this is my first serious foray into the world of writing and peer editing fics. I'm excited to be joining the Spuffy community in a more interactive way! Looking forward to getting to know you.
- IvoryPetals 
Ratings I'll beta: •G  •PG  •PG-13  •R  •NC-17  •Adult Only
I can help beta read: •British English  •Canon Elements  •Plot Suggestions  •Punctuation 
Turnaround for an average length chapter: 4-7 days
Experience: Beta-ed Harry Potter and Buffy stories for a couple of authors on a few years ago, and By Any Other Name for Evlane on here.
Story types/topics I will not beta or sensitivity read: No parodies or all human high school AU's please.
Additional Comments:
Ratings I'll beta: •G  •PG  •PG-13  •R  •NC-17  •Adult Only
I can help beta read: •American English  •British English  •Grammar  •Plot Suggestions  •Punctuation 
Turnaround for an average length chapter: 4-7 days
Experience:  No experience at beta reading, but I do have to write a fair bit for my job.
Story types/topics I will not beta or sensitivity read: No tragic endings
No AH - they are just not my thing
Probably not the right person if you story is mostly porn, I don't object to it, but I'm not sure how much I could contribute. 
No underage spuffy
Additional Comments: