Penname: AJ Hofacre
Real Name: Rae
Member Since: January 21, 2007
Last Active: July 26, 2024
Membership Status: Member
Skin: everyday-light

A lifelong fan of many different television shows, but especially Buffy. Those are seven years of my life that I would never change. I won't get into the many different TV shows I love (or book series or movies) but suffice to say that if it's paranormal, or science fiction, or fantasy, I'm probably a fan. 

I'm active on social media. Nine times out of ten, I'm retweeting/liking/reblogging, etc, but I do occasionally provide updates on things. My every day Twitter handle is @starlitenovarae, while my (new) fandom specific handle is @aj_hofacre. I'd provide my LiveJournal, but sadly, I haven't used it since 2011. I'm waiting until I've finished revisions before I actively share my fics to AO3, let alone create anything new. Feel free to communicate with me on whatever platform you like that I'm available on. I'll be sure to say hi!

  Stories (11)    Comments (26)    Favorites (54)    Awards (2)    Statistics  
Summary: Written in 2002; revised March of 2007. One of my first stories. Joyce Summers has just died. Buffy's a miserable mess. Dawn's been feeling reflective. And Spike is still stung from Buffy's rejection. With everything going on in their lives right now, will Spike ever get that crumb of a chance?
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: None
Categories: Season 5
Characters: Anya, Buffy, Dawn, Giles, Spike, Tara, Willow, Xander
Genres: Angst, Fighting
Warnings: Adult Language
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 6,041 Hit Count: 1,926 ePub Downloads: 80
Published: March 16, 2007 Updated: March 16, 2007
Summary: One-Shot, AU, Buffy & Spike are human.
Spike finally gets up the nerve to ask Buffy something that he's wanted to ask for a while now.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: None
Categories: Alternate Reality, All Human
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Genres: Fluffy/Comedy, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 3,254 Hit Count: 2,335 ePub Downloads: 84
Published: October 17, 2007 Updated: October 17, 2007
Summary: Fantasy AU. Human. Two certain blondes are supposed to be studying for a test, but their technique is certainly something to be desired. Don't you wish you had this much fun studying?
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: None
Categories: All Human
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Genres: Fluffy/Comedy, Porn w/o Plot
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 1,598 Hit Count: 1,648 ePub Downloads: 41
Published: January 22, 2007 Updated: January 22, 2007
Summary: NEW! This story has been nominated for Best One Shot at the Cradle of Humanity Awards!

It's storming outside, and Spike's just come home from work. The weather, while making Buffy laugh hysterically, does not make him giggle in the slightest. What can Buffy do to remedy that?
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: None
Categories: All Human
Characters: Buffy, Original Characters, Spike
Genres: Fluffy/Comedy, Porn w/ Plot, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Sexual Situations
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 3,321 Hit Count: 929 ePub Downloads: 46
Published: January 23, 2007 Updated: January 23, 2007
Summary: A new message from the author is at the beginning of the story. Hope you read it :)
When you're evil, you're evil, right? Not necessarily. Not in William The Bloody's case, anyway. He's still as big of a Big Bad as they come -- but keep in mind that it's always been his passion that has gotten him as far as he is now. And maybe, just maybe, if that passion were tweaked a little bit... directed toward a certain person... We could see what Spike was really capable of.
Winner for BtVS Rewritten (Readers' Choice) at the Spuffy Awards Round 4.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: None
Series: The What-If Books
Categories: Season 5, Episode Rewrite, Claim, Award Winners
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Dawn, Ensemble
Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Fighting, Fluffy/Comedy, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Blood Play, Sexual Situations, Violence
Completed: Yes Chapters: 17 Table of Contents
Word count: 104,988 Hit Count: 39,212 ePub Downloads: 949
Published: January 22, 2007 Updated: February 20, 2023
Summary: A three chapter series following three significant events -- Buffy's death, her time in the afterlife, and the events of the episode, "Afterlife." Slightly AU, borrowing a lot of text from a majority of the season 5 episodes, as well as the text from "Afterlife." Written from Buffy's POV.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: None
Categories: Episode Rewrite, Season 5, Season 6
Characters: Anya, Buffy, Dawn, Spike, Tara, Willow, Xander
Genres: Angst, Drama, POV, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Character Death
Completed: Yes Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Word count: 10,890 Hit Count: 2,546 ePub Downloads: 65
Published: October 17, 2007 Updated: October 17, 2007
Summary: His canines nudge her neck, and he purrs blissfully. He is the hunter, the predator, that has finally captured his prey, and he revels in it. He bites down, and the gush of sweet, aromatic blood fills his mouth.

Set in an obviously AU season 7.

This story has been nominated, alongside The Girl With Kaleidoscope Eyes for Sire and Child at the Cradle of Humanity Awards. Thank you so much to whoever nominated me! It's very appreciated!

Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: None
Categories: Alternate Reality, Season 7
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Genres: Drama, Fighting
Warnings: Blood Play, Character Death
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 1,646 Hit Count: 1,913 ePub Downloads: 85
Published: May 04, 2007 Updated: May 04, 2007
Summary: Buffy's changed. A lot.

Sequel/Spin-off to my fic Sensation. ((Go read it first!!))

This story has been nominated, alongside Sensation for Sire and Child at the Cradle of Humanity Awards! Thank you so much to whoever nominated me! It's so very much appreciated!
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: None
Categories: Season 7, Alternate Reality, Episode Rewrite, Claim
Characters: Buffy, Ensemble, Spike
Genres: Action/Adventure, Fighting, Fluffy/Comedy, Porn w/ Plot, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Blood Play, Sexual Situations, Vampire!Buffy
Completed: Yes Chapters: 6 Table of Contents
Word count: 14,146 Hit Count: 8,315 ePub Downloads: 170
Published: July 08, 2008 Updated: September 11, 2009
Summary: Sequel to Yearly; AU AtS; After Spike's all Solid Boy again, Wesley makes a call to a certain Slayer and her sister.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: None
Categories: Alternate Reality, Crossover (AtS), Post-Series
Characters: Angel, Buffy, Dawn, Fred, Spike, Wesley
Genres: Fluffy/Comedy, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 4,648 Hit Count: 2,055 ePub Downloads: 72
Published: February 21, 2008 Updated: February 21, 2008
Summary: Every moment in time leaves an impression on you, some more than most. For Buffy, those moments are more like scars. Each tells a story, a feeling -- and each means more to her than she has ever let on before.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: None
Categories: Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5, Season 6, Season 7, Post-Series
Characters: Buffy, Ensemble, Spike
Genres: Angst, Dramedy, Fluffy/Comedy, POV, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 1,548 Hit Count: 1,377 ePub Downloads: 59
Published: October 17, 2007 Updated: October 17, 2007

AU Season 7; Spike has always had such a hard time trying to make things go his way. This past summer in Africa, though, seems to have found him in a better place. He's back in Sunnydale now, for better or worse -- but is he ready to handle it all? What will Dawn say to his face? How will Buffy react to the changed man that's returned to her? And what about that strange presence lurking in the shadows?
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: None
Categories: Alternate Reality, Season 7
Characters: Anya, Buffy, Clem, Dawn, Giles, Other, Spike, Willow, Xander
Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Fighting, Fluffy/Comedy, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Blood Play, Sexual Situations, Violence
Completed: No Chapters: 13 Table of Contents
Word count: 84,308 Hit Count: 2,301 ePub Downloads: 82
Published: January 27, 2007 Updated: April 16, 2008