Briefly by Desicat [PG-13]
Summary: Little unrelated drabbles for 2023 drabble mania 
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: None
Categories: Pre-Series, Drabbles
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Anya, Drusilla
Genres: Dramedy
Warnings: Adult Language, Spike/Other (Temp)
Event: Drabblemania 2023
Completed: Yes Chapters: 13
Word count: 1,249 Hit Count: 1,131 ePub Downloads: 10
Published: July 03, 2023 Updated: July 05, 2023

Print or Download Story: Printer Microsoft Word ePub eBook

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Story Notes: From drabble board one

1. 1969 by Desicat - Likes: 11 Comments: 7 Word Count: 99 Hit Count: 126 Published: July 03, 2023

The moon landing was 1969.

2. Tunnel of love by Desicat - Likes: 5 Comments: 4 Word Count: 96 Hit Count: 90 Published: July 03, 2023

Years later at a fair with friends 

3. In N' out by Desicat - Likes: 6 Comments: 4 Word Count: 63 Hit Count: 93 Published: July 03, 2023

Spike and Buffy disagreeing on how to raise Dawn

4. Carpe Demon by Desicat - Likes: 5 Comments: 5 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 88 Published: July 03, 2023

Some domestic bliss

5. Lock and Keys by Desicat - Likes: 6 Comments: 4 Word Count: 122 Hit Count: 88 Published: July 03, 2023

More fluff?

6. Undercover Spuffy by Desicat - Likes: 8 Comments: 5 Word Count: 167 Hit Count: 94 Published: July 03, 2023

An alternative ending to something Blue

7. Foul mouth parrot by Desicat - Likes: 4 Comments: 4 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 77 Published: July 04, 2023

8. Honeymoon by Desicat - Likes: 6 Comments: 5 Word Count: 100 Hit Count: 79 Published: July 04, 2023

9. Pillow fight by Desicat - Likes: 4 Comments: 4 Word Count: 79 Hit Count: 76 Published: July 04, 2023

The adventures of Xander and Spike as roommates 

10. Diary by Desicat - Likes: 4 Comments: 4 Word Count: 102 Hit Count: 70 Published: July 04, 2023

The era of Spike stealing from Buffy's bedroom 

11. Photo booth by Desicat - Likes: 4 Comments: 3 Word Count: 70 Hit Count: 80 Published: July 05, 2023

Post series

12. Ephemeral by Desicat - Likes: 4 Comments: 3 Word Count: 77 Hit Count: 80 Published: July 05, 2023

Very post series

13. Lost heirloom by Desicat - Likes: 5 Comments: 5 Word Count: 74 Hit Count: 90 Published: July 05, 2023

Season 2