Artists: None
Characters: Angel, Buffy, Fred, Harmony, Lorne, Spike
Genres: Dramedy
Warnings: None
Challenges: Harmony Makes a Call (suggested title)
Event: 2019 Challenge Month
Completed: Yes Chapters: 3
Word count: 7,803 Hit Count: 6,341 ePub Downloads: 107
Published: April 22, 2019 Updated: April 25, 2019
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1. Harmony Makes a Call by SpindleKitten - Likes: 54 Comments: 33 Word Count: 2,544 Hit Count: 2,828 Published: April 22, 2019
I'm a little late to the party, but here is my contribution to the April Challenge Month. Unlike a certain other challenge fic, this one has behaved and should be fully posted by the end of the month. Touch wood.
A great big thank you to my lovely beta Badwolfjedi for fixing this up to its glamourous best for you all.
2. Facing the Truth by SpindleKitten - Likes: 46 Comments: 34 Word Count: 2,776 Hit Count: 1,731 Published: April 24, 2019
Thank you so much to the lovely Badwolfjedi for her excellent beta work.
3. A Flashy Escape by SpindleKitten - Likes: 68 Comments: 32 Word Count: 2,483 Hit Count: 1,782 Published: April 25, 2019
Ok, here's the last chapter of this little ficlet. A great big thank you to everyone who has read, reviewed and enjoyed this bit of silliness.
Thank you to the lovely Badwolfjedi for being an amazing beta.