Summary: The show used the episode Grave as a metaphor for Buffy rising up out of a dead place and climbing her way back to life. That was season 6. What if something similar happened at the end of season 2?
Set around Acathla, with some differences to the season finale. 
With everything that’s happened can Buffy find her way back to a healthy place where she feels alive again? And will she drag Spike, kicking and screaming, back with her into the light?
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: None
Categories: Season 2, Season 3
Characters: Angelus, Buffy, Cordelia, Drusilla, Faith Lehane, Giles, Joyce, Oz, Spike, Wesley, Willow, Xander
Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Fighting
Warnings: Adult Language, Buffy/Other (Temp), Character Death, Spike/Other (Temp), Violence
Completed: No Chapters: 3
Word count: 10,975 Hit Count: 2,718 ePub Downloads: 26
Published: November 06, 2015 Updated: November 10, 2015

Print or Download Story: Printer Microsoft Word ePub eBook

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Story Notes: Okay, I swear I'm committed to finishing Accursed, but all these other plots keep popping up in my brain. I just had to get it down. I think my Spike in Accursed is too well-adjusted or something, because I keep thinking of different ways to traumitize him in other stories XD
Yet again, this story has a long plot that I've outlined to the end. I plan on finishing Accursed, first, but I'll be tackling this from time to time as well.
Character death does not refer to Buffy or Spike. After the first chapter, the Buffy/Other, Spike/Other (temp) will no longer apply.

1. Chapter 1 by FlightsofFancy - Likes: 13 Comments: 14 Word Count: 3,766 Hit Count: 1,124 Published: November 06, 2015

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

2. Chapter 2 by FlightsofFancy - Likes: 11 Comments: 7 Word Count: 3,265 Hit Count: 752 Published: November 09, 2015

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

3. Chapter 3 by FlightsofFancy - Likes: 17 Comments: 10 Word Count: 3,944 Hit Count: 842 Published: November 10, 2015

magnus374 asked about the cage in the library and it was something I needed to look up, too, before I felt comfortable using it in my story. I thought I'd share what I found in case anyone else is curious. 


"A book cage refers to closed stacks that are locked off from public access by virtue of being placed inside a gated room (which usually looks like a jail cell)...Libraries use book cages for preservation and security of items that may not be tattle tagged. Special collections, loose-leaf items, archival materials, and maps may be found in library book cages."


So, I think it's entirely possible that the cage in the library was just part of the library and Giles and the others later repurposed it to store weapons, hold Oz or other dangerous-types, etc. I'd always thought it was a Giles-addition until I looked it up. The more you know!