Past Featured Story
Summary: When Buffy suffers from a wasting illness, Spike is the only one who can cure her.  Post-Chosen.  Posting in Progress.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: None
Categories: Post-Series
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Blood Play, Sexual Situations
Completed: Yes Chapters: 5
Word count: 25,097 Hit Count: 14,841 ePub Downloads: 230
Published: August 20, 2015 Updated: September 01, 2015

Print or Download Story: Printer Microsoft Word ePub eBook

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Story Notes: Post-Chosen, story is completed, posting in progress, total of 5 chapters, low angst, happy fluffy Spuffy ending.

1. In Which Buffy Falls Ill (And the Scoobies Come Back) by Autumn2005 - Likes: 34 Comments: 24 Word Count: 5,740 Hit Count: 4,214 Published: August 20, 2015

Part 1: In Which Buffy Falls Ill (And the Scoobies Come Back)

2. Part 2: In Which Angel Comes to Save the Day (And Realizes Spike Has to Do It) by Autumn2005 - Likes: 31 Comments: 20 Word Count: 5,199 Hit Count: 2,680 Published: August 23, 2015

Thanks for everyone who reviewed!  I wasn't expecting such great feedback!  Your response has been wonderful!  Okay, now onto the story.  I think you'll like this chapter.


Part 2: In Which Angel Comes to Save the Day (And Realizes Spike Has to Do It)


3. In Which Buffy Wakes Up (But Has a Setback) by Autumn2005 - Likes: 32 Comments: 23 Word Count: 4,859 Hit Count: 2,695 Published: August 26, 2015

Thanks for your rviews again!  I'm glad it seems to be a new take on the the idea of bonding, and that people liked the difference between Spike and Angel's reactions to Buffy.  You might guess I had a little fun that.  You might be able to tell that, especially in this coming chapter, that I actually do work in a hospital, so I attempted to put real details in there.

Finally, I'd like to dedicate this chapter to my dad.  It's his birthday today, he's turning the big 60!  Happy Birthday, Dad!  I love you!


Part 3: In Which Buffy Finally Wakes Up (But Has a Setback)

4. Part 4: In Which Buffy Gets Better (And Talks to Spike Without Shouting) by Autumn2005 - Likes: 30 Comments: 15 Word Count: 5,798 Hit Count: 2,700 Published: August 29, 2015

Thanks for your reviews!  This is the penultimate chapter of the story.  Also, thanks to the reviewer Cloongarvin (from fanfiction), whose comment inspired me to put an extra little scene in this chapter.  I hope everyone enjoys it!


Part 4: In Which Buffy Gets Better (And Talks to Spike Without Shouting)

5. Part 5: In Which Spike and Buffy Get Married (And They Have a Long Bloody Time) by Autumn2005 - Likes: 61 Comments: 32 Word Count: 3,501 Hit Count: 2,552 Published: September 01, 2015

Happy September!  Thanks for everyone's reviews and support!  This is the last part of the story.  I really like it, and I hope everyone enjoyed the journey here as much as I did.


Part 5: In Which Spike and Buffy Get Married (And They Have a Long Bloody Time)