In an imagined Season 4, Spike and Buffy discover that a 'wild' night together can't be easily forgotten. Much more than a "baby fic", this is a multi-layered love story about learning to listen to your heart. Also, there's a f***-ton of smut.
"What are you on about?"
"I'm 'on about' the half-vampire, possibly half-bunny-rabbit bundle of joy that's growing inside me."
Spike's smirk faded as the implication in her words sunk in. Finally, he dismissed her. "Pft. Good one, Slayer. Think I'd know if I could still sprog a lady after all these years."
"Well, congrats." Buffy's chair screeched as she got up to step away from the table, away from Spike. She shouldn't have told him. Bad, bad idea. "I'm sprogged."
This began in 2001 as the oneshot "A Bunny In The Oven", an authorized sequel to Saber Shadowkitten's "Humping Like Bunnies". It expanded into a series and was completed in 2007. Winner of 16 awards including "Outstanding NC-17 Series", "Best Lighthearted", "Best Romance", "Best Smut", and more.
This is Part I of the Love Bunnies series, aka The Bunnyverse.