April Challenge Month is Coming!

April showers bring May…. apocalypsi? (Or is it apocalypses?)

Either way, in the land of Elysian Fields, April is a month of rising to the challenge! The site challenge, that is.

While our October challenge event has a single, themed challenge, April is a “Choose Your Challenge” scenario, wherein you, the EF members, are all responsible for any potential challenge(s) an author may take on!

All such challenges can be found on our site challenge listing. You can do one or two or four! It’s entirely up to you! As long as your fic(s) meet the requirements set forth by the poster, you’re good to go.

You don’t need to sign up to participate. You just need to wait until 12:01am on April 1 site time (that’s Eastern time!) to start posting. Any fic which starts posting during the month of April and wants to be counted as part of the challenge event will simply need to check the box and link the appropriate challenge(s). In return, all event fics will get a lovely event icon and be included on the event page. We will also have awards for authors, commenters, artists, and betas. More details coming on all of that later this month!

In the meantime, we invite you all to start choosing your challenge!

--The Mods on February 11, 2022 10:46am 7 Comments

did this just inspire me to commit to one of the FOUR challenges that i've been eyeing for a while? 

-- muldermeup on February 12, 2022 02:12pm


-- OffYourBird on February 12, 2022 03:55pm

Hi! I'm still not sure I'll be able to make it, but just in case... do we have to "call" the challenge, like, say which one we want to do, or there can be multiple authors doing the same one? thank you!

-- Pet35 on February 13, 2022 12:29am

@Pet35 - no need to calls dibs. Any challenge may be answered by an unlimitied number of authors. 

-- OffYourBird on February 13, 2022 03:11am

How do you claim a challenge?  Do you do it before you write the story or after the story is written and posted?



-- Joan963z on March 01, 2022 07:13am

@Joan963z, there isn't any way to make a challenge solely yours, in case others are moved by their inspiration to write something similar and yet totally different! But if you would like to let the challenger know that you are responding to their challenge story, this is how you would do that...

1. Save the challenge. It is now saved in your Account Info.

2. Start writing and posting your story.

3. Go back to the challenge and click on the link that says, "Respond to this challenge!"

4. Click on the fic in your account that you want to link to that challenge. Click submit. Done! Your fic and the challenge are now one! hug

-- kats_meow on March 03, 2022 10:40am

Thanks Kats_meow.

I wasn't trying to claim it just for me. I just didn't understand the process. I've got it now.



-- Joan963z on March 03, 2022 03:28pm