Categories: Season 5
Characters: Ensemble
While sitting around brainstorming ideas on how to defeat Glory someone (I imagine Xander) pops off with "Gee if only there were more Slayers--hahah." Anya in her no-nonsense manner suggests asking other slayers to help. What now? Sure she says, you know all those dimensions out there that don't have shrimp and what not, well they have slayers too. They also have other Anyas who are connected to them. And all the Anyas (since they are used to dealing with the alternate dimensions their curses create) have some sort of object that they can use to talk to each other. With the encouragement of the scoobies, Anya starts contacting her other selves and get a couple of different "Buffies" to agree to come and help out our heros with their god problem.
All the Buffies are different in some way. Bad girl punk Buffy. Good girl "I didn't have sex until married and I wear a 50's poodle skirt" Buffy Heck, maybe even "Joan of Arc" Buffy in chainmail. And sad Buffy. The interesting thing is that they all come with their very own Spikes. Unrepentant, bad boy Spike who still eats people, but doesn't kill them. James Dean Spike who got a soul to be with his beautiful wife. Black Knight Sir William who kneels at the feet of his lady and never touches her in public but whose body language screams love and devotion. And Sad Buffy who can not stay and bear to see all the Spikes who have stayed, because hers left, dying in a blaze of light to save the world.
The Scoobies have to deal with this overwhelming evidence of Spike's ability to love and Buffy's happiness at having him in her life. Riley is jealous. Giles is flabbergasted. Xander is outraged? The witches in awe. Buffy is confused. Spike is amused.
All the Buffies have something to teach Buffy about being a slayer and about love. It would be nice to see varying relationships with Angel and how they've dealt with it.
Glory whooping to abound.
Once the Buffies and Spikes leave. How will the Scoobies pick up the pieces and how will they feel about their very own Spike?
Artists: None
Characters: None
Genres: Drama, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenges: Author's Choice
Event: 2019 Challenge Month
Completed: Yes Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Word count: 6,387 Hit Count: 8,559 ePub Downloads: 130
Published: April 04, 2019 Updated: April 04, 2019