It's Just a Game by Laurence Quill +12
Responses: 1
Categories: None
Characters: Buffy

Spike challenges Buffy to play a game. 

Can go as fluffy or as serious as you like, but each chapter must be themed off a game. 

Game Promts:





20 Questions


Copy Cat

Simon Says

Red Light Green Light

Scavanger Hunt

"Last One There"

Double Dog Dare

"Bet You Can't"

Staring Contest

Hot Potato

I Spy

Ground is Lava

Hide and Seek


Capture the Flag

Play Pretend

Dress Up/Make over

Marco Polo

"I'm Not Touching You"

"Stop Hitting Yourself"

Silent Treatment

"Wanna Play Doctor?"


"Let's Play House."


Summary:     “You didn’t join the party," Buffy said. "I sent Anya down to tell you.”
    “She did.” Spike shrugged. “Not really the party animal these days.”
    “I’d noticed.” Buffy nodded at his chains.
New Year's Eve, season seven.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: None
Series: "New Depths"
Categories: Season 7
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Genres: Fluffy/Comedy, Romance
Warnings: None
Challenges: It's Just a Game, Holiday Fics
Event: 2015 Holiday Challenge
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Word count: 1,864 Hit Count: 2,978 ePub Downloads: 94
Published: December 08, 2015 Updated: December 08, 2015