Penname: Penny
Real Name: Jessie
Member Since: April 24, 2012
Last Active: July 26, 2024
Membership Status: Member
Skin: drinking buddies

Hi, I'm Penny (real name Jessie). I work full time at a small private college in Kentucky organizing community service and civic engagement programming. I'm also a PhD candidate who is ABD (All But Dissertation). No human family, but I've got two beagles, Stella and Olivia, who are like kids to me. My penname comes from my first dog, who passed away in 2015.

I have been a Buffy fan since 2005, when I watched the entire series via Netflix DVD. I was all about Angel until Spike came to town, and I've been Spuffy ever since. I'm a huge fan of James and have been fortunate enough to meet him twice. I also just bought the most wonderful personalized video from him to our lovely group.


I don't write at all and I just read for a long time, but I'm starting to get better about reviewing. I also am a member of the EF Facebook group. I love the community and feel a little star struck "meeting" some of my favorite authors. I pretty much stick to EF, as I like how the site lets me search for stories and keep track of what I've read. The only other fanfic I've read is Mulder/Scully.


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