Artists: None
Characters: Buffy, Clem, Ensemble, Joyce, Spike
Genres: Angst, Drama, Humor
Warnings: Adult Language, Buffy/Other (Temp), Cheating/Infidelity, Spike/Other (Temp)
Completed: Yes Chapters: 3
Word count: 7,394 Hit Count: 7,829 ePub Downloads: 48
Published: December 02, 2019 Updated: November 26, 2021
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The banner was made by the wonderful teragramm.
1. Part 1 by JustWriter - Likes: 19 Comments: 7 Word Count: 489 Hit Count: 3,077 Published: December 02, 2019
Disclaimer: I do not have, nor have I ever been in, contact with any of the creators or producers of the television show Buffy: the Vampire Slayer, nor the films, plays, and radio broadcasts which this work is based upon: Parfumerie, The Shop Around the Corner, In the Good Old Summertime, and You've Got Mail. Some of the lines from these and recognizable scenes and bits of shared dialogue will be played out and paraphrased, but only in tribute and not for anyone's profit.
2. Part 2 by JustWriter - Likes: 14 Comments: 5 Word Count: 3,035 Hit Count: 2,449 Published: November 30, 2020
Warning: some foul language
AN: Hi all! Here's the 2nd installment. I finally got the second chapter to where I wanted it! I welcome constructive criticism from all of you. Part 2 was submitted for the Fairytales Retold 2020 round. This banner was made by the wonderful teragramm.
Disclaimer: I do not have, nor have I ever been in, contact with any of the creators or producers of the television show Buffy: the Vampire Slayer, nor the films, plays, and radio broadcasts which this work is based upon: Parfumerie, The Shop Around the Corner, In the Good Old Summertime, She Loves Me, and You've Got Mail. Some of the lines from these and recognizable scenes and bits of shared dialogue will be played out and paraphrased, but only in tribute and not for anyone's profit. I also do not own an iota of William Shakespeare's work, but am borrowing a quote from him presently.
3. Parts 3A & 3B by JustWriter - Likes: 19 Comments: 7 Word Count: 3,870 Hit Count: 2,303 Published: November 26, 2021
Hi all!
Here's the 3rd installment, the final one of the tale, I am posting this yet another year later, this time for Walk Through the Fire on Seasonal Spuffy. I am relieved and glad to have finished a multi-chaptered fic for the first time ever!
Writing Spike's angst at the beginning was what was holding me back from posting this Spring during Truth or Dare. I had already written parts in this chapter before EF's Secret Santa last year (2020), but filling in the parts around them were difficult, especially since I didn't want to go certain places emotionally. But I managed to pass the gauntlet to myself, from scene to scene and it all worked out, even if it's much longer than I'd intended. I genuinely welcome all constructive criticism from you.
My original posts on Seasonal Spuffy LiveJournal:
Fic: Dear Friend (1/3B), Fic: Dear Friend (2/3B), Fic: Dear Friend (3A/3B), Fic: Dear Friend (3B/3B)
Disclaimer: I do not have, nor have I ever been in, contact with any of the creators or producers of the television show Buffy: the Vampire Slayer, nor the films, plays, and radio broadcasts which this work is based upon: Parfumerie, The Shop Around the Corner, In the Good Old Summertime, She Loves Me, and You've Got Mail. Some of the lines from these and recognizable scenes and bits of shared dialogue will be played out and paraphrased, but only in tribute and not for anyone's profit.
This banner was made for me by the wonderful teragramm.