Past Featured Story
Summary: Six months after the battle with Angelus and his forces.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: None
Series: Origins
Categories: Crossover (AtS), Season 6
Characters: Ensemble
Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Fighting, Romance
Warnings: Adult Language, Blood Play, Violence
Completed: Yes Chapters: 38
Word count: 149,537 Hit Count: 120,364 ePub Downloads: 842
Published: June 24, 2007 Updated: September 08, 2010

Print or Download Story: Printer Microsoft Word ePub eBook

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1. Chapter 1 Real life, depicted in song by Niamh - Likes: 41 Comments: 32 Word Count: 3,268 Hit Count: 7,663

2. Chapter 2 My piece of heaven by Niamh - Likes: 25 Comments: 15 Word Count: 5,980 Hit Count: 3,803

3. Chapter 3 Never in the expected manner by Niamh - Likes: 23 Comments: 16 Word Count: 4,093 Hit Count: 3,531

4. Chapter 4 Twisted truth and half the news by Niamh - Likes: 24 Comments: 15 Word Count: 3,359 Hit Count: 3,413

5. Chapter 5 A leavening of truth by Niamh - Likes: 26 Comments: 16 Word Count: 4,028 Hit Count: 3,400

6. Chapter 6 Never Explain by Niamh - Likes: 18 Comments: 11 Word Count: 3,380 Hit Count: 3,208
Thanks to everyone who's reading and leaving reviews. . . you are all sooo wonderful!

7. Chapter 7 A succession of moments by Niamh - Likes: 20 Comments: 12 Word Count: 3,546 Hit Count: 3,119

8. Chapter 8 Nothing stands between us here by Niamh - Likes: 19 Comments: 11 Word Count: 4,590 Hit Count: 3,071

9. Chapter 9 The sin of broken faith by Niamh - Likes: 25 Comments: 15 Word Count: 3,814 Hit Count: 3,074

10. Chapter 10 For the sake of knowing by Niamh - Likes: 20 Comments: 12 Word Count: 4,191 Hit Count: 3,126

11. Chapter 11 Hearts at peace by Niamh - Likes: 19 Comments: 11 Word Count: 3,908 Hit Count: 3,111

12. Chapter 12 Touchstones of our characters by Niamh - Likes: 19 Comments: 9 Word Count: 3,620 Hit Count: 4,049
I know, it's been a really, really long time.  I'm sorry.  Blame it on the holidays and really pissy muse.  Please forgive me and enjoy.  For everyone (and anyone who is interested in my Faith one-shot, the link is and scroll down to the October 20th entry.  Again, enjoy!

13. Chapter 13 Information is not knowledge by Niamh - Likes: 20 Comments: 12 Word Count: 4,318 Hit Count: 3,024

14. Chapter 14 Readiness to defend by Niamh - Likes: 21 Comments: 12 Word Count: 3,251 Hit Count: 3,009

15. Chapter 15 Preconceived notions by Niamh - Likes: 18 Comments: 9 Word Count: 3,985 Hit Count: 3,049

16. Chapter 16 Strings of Tension by Niamh - Likes: 21 Comments: 12 Word Count: 3,058 Hit Count: 2,954

17. Chapter 17 A dragon or a tiger by Niamh - Likes: 21 Comments: 14 Word Count: 4,106 Hit Count: 2,910

18. Chapter 18 The gravest threat by Niamh - Likes: 25 Comments: 18 Word Count: 3,613 Hit Count: 2,809

19. Chapter 19 Let every eye negotiate for itself by Niamh - Likes: 21 Comments: 13 Word Count: 3,182 Hit Count: 2,891

20. Chapter 20 No eternal allies by Niamh - Likes: 24 Comments: 12 Word Count: 3,120 Hit Count: 2,903

21. Chapter 21 Strings of tension by Niamh - Likes: 21 Comments: 12 Word Count: 3,236 Hit Count: 2,863

22. Chapter 22 Not exactly pleasant by Niamh - Likes: 26 Comments: 15 Word Count: 3,321 Hit Count: 2,833

23. Chapter 23 The long wait for angels by Niamh - Likes: 24 Comments: 13 Word Count: 3,376 Hit Count: 2,876

24. Chapter 24 Welcome to the human race by Niamh - Likes: 31 Comments: 21 Word Count: 5,151 Hit Count: 2,947

25. Chapter 25: A dream of possibilities by Niamh - Likes: 27 Comments: 16 Word Count: 3,333 Hit Count: 2,860

26. Chapter 26 Shadows of Evil by Niamh - Likes: 24 Comments: 13 Word Count: 3,376 Hit Count: 2,968

27. Chapter 27 Rampart of Defense by Niamh - Likes: 33 Comments: 25 Word Count: 3,069 Hit Count: 2,889

28. Chapter 28 The noise of battle by Niamh - Likes: 29 Comments: 16 Word Count: 3,387 Hit Count: 2,892

29. Chapter 29 The thundering line of battle by Niamh - Likes: 35 Comments: 24 Word Count: 3,718 Hit Count: 2,937

30. Chapter 30 An Equal Failing by Niamh - Likes: 25 Comments: 14 Word Count: 3,673 Hit Count: 2,832

31. Chapter 31 . Intemperate in Your Blood by Niamh - Likes: 28 Comments: 17 Word Count: 3,596 Hit Count: 2,833

32. Chapter 32 Wondrous strange by Niamh - Likes: 26 Comments: 14 Word Count: 3,721 Hit Count: 2,872

33. Chapter 33 Nothing so powerful as truth by Niamh - Likes: 28 Comments: 18 Word Count: 3,338 Hit Count: 2,766

34. Chapter 34 Nothing can make bitter into sweet by Niamh - Likes: 29 Comments: 19 Word Count: 3,645 Hit Count: 2,686

35. Chapter 35 A history making creature by Niamh - Likes: 22 Comments: 14 Word Count: 4,757 Hit Count: 2,921

36. Chapter 36 The fear of comparison by Niamh - Likes: 30 Comments: 20 Word Count: 5,463 Hit Count: 2,972

37. Chapter 37 -- Acting Prematurely by Niamh - Likes: 27 Comments: 16 Word Count: 6,618 Hit Count: 3,017

38. Chapter 38 Ending Ambiguously by Niamh - Likes: 52 Comments: 40 Word Count: 6,349 Hit Count: 3,275