Goodbye, Challenge Month!

Now that challenge month has come to a close, we wanted to say a huge thank you to all the authors and reviewers who made it a success. We had 39 challenge responses added or updated, and we had 5 brand new authors make their debut with a challenge response in October. You can still view all the Challenge Month entries here: All authors who contributed should now have their pretty, new award created by DauntlessGrace listed on their profile page.

As Kathleen mentioned in her birthday news post, we will be taking November off as far as new events. There are many things already going on, such as NaNoWriMo and Seasonal Spuffy, along with the regularly scheduled Elysian Fields goodness that we know you'll be providing. However, we've got some new things brewing for December and beyond. Even though we have some things already planned, we'd love to hear your suggestions as well. If you have an idea or two for future events, feel free to comment below or send a PM to Kathleen, Megan or me.

--Susan on November 01, 2015 07:21am 10 Comments

Such a good month! I hope there's another challenge month in the new year, and I can't wait to see what's coming in December! Big Grin

-- Wonder and Ashes on November 01, 2015 07:31am

Great month and thank you Susan for the wonderful plusses like the automatic featuring of stories and the listing for the future.  

I didn't see a pretty on my profile page?  Is that something that will pop in later?



-- pfeifferpack on November 01, 2015 09:52am



Site awards are listed in the awards tab, so you need to click on it to see the new one. Here's a direct link to yours:

-- Susan on November 01, 2015 10:21am

Such an awesome month, I hope we do it again next year! :D

-- AgentKalGibbs on November 01, 2015 01:27pm

Thanks!  Duh so simple...alas not for me today LOL.  Thank you Susan.

-- pfeifferpack on November 01, 2015 11:28pm

Challenge month was awesome. The anticipation for challenge month was awesome. Care would not have existed without challenge month, and I would have missed out on writing some truly epic Buffy boy-rants, so... thank you for having the challenge month! Really. Challenge month was awesome.

-- Sigyn on November 09, 2015 10:55am

I have an idea. Not for an event per say, but an idea. 

Could there be a section of the site that posts critiques? You know, official reviews? Like official book reviews and movie reviews, but for fanfictions. Kind of like reviews on this site. deviantArt also does it, too; where people can post critiques of artwork. 

I know people post reviews on the actual stories and some of them can get long winded. If they were separate, though, more people would be able to see them, and it would be a good way for people to recommend stories. Also, I know a lot of stories on here deserve reviews like this. 

It would also give people an opportunity to give out constructive criticism and let the author know what can be improved on next time. Positive feedback is fantastic, but as a writer, I always want readers to be honest because that will help a person's writing in the long wrong, and it's something that should be encouraged. 

It's just an idea, and it'll probably be difficult to do, but I thought I'd post it and see what people think. 

-- Wonder and Ashes on November 11, 2015 05:40am


I'm not really sure how the official reviews would be different than the reviews we already have, except for the fact that they'd be located in a different area. How would people know if they're supposed to write a regular review, as opposed to this new kind of review? To be honest, I think having reviews in 2 different areas would be a bit confusing, and would end up being kind of redundant. I'm sure longer "official" reviews would be nice in some instances, but I just don't see a place for them here.

-- Susan on November 15, 2015 07:15am


Sometimes before I read fics I click on reviews in order to get a good idea of what the fic is like and how others have reacted to it, so then I'd know if I would like it or not. Longer reviews/critiques tend to be better suited. And like a lot of people, I enjoy reading what other people think about stories; I only thought that if there was a way to mark some reviews as 'critiques' it would make finding them easier. 

With that said, I totally understand how that can get confusing and why it would be redundant. 

-- Wonder and Ashes on November 18, 2015 12:21pm

Brilliant idea to involve reviews as well as writing! Thank you, mods!

-- stuffandnonsense on November 23, 2015 09:20am