Likes and Reviews and Skins, oh my!

I feel like I keep posting new news items. I'm not usually this productive, so I don't know what's gotten into me. There are a just a few items that I wanted to bring to your attention. First off, we have a new skin thanks to a wonderful banner that was submitted by Spikesterolic. If you look in the skin dropdown, you'll now see an option for drinking buddies (Don't forget, the best way to change your skin choice is in your preferences. The other dropdowns don't always save the change.).

Next up, we've always had the option to either leave a review, an opinion or both in the review area at the end of a chapter. As soon as someone marked that they liked a chapter (whether there was an attached review or not), the thumbs up icon appeared on the story and chapter. There wasn't really much information after that since the icon appeared the same whether 1 person or 100 people liked the chapter. I thought it might be handy for authors to see how many people had liked their works, so I modified it to show the number of likes per chapter and story. As always, there may be some coding issues I've overlooked. If you notice anything off, let me know.

Readers, make sure you're out there leaving reviews and marking that you liked the work you've just enjoyed. According to the site statistics, there have been over 2,500 members active in the last 3 months, so our authors should be getting plenty of constructive, considerate feedback.

In slightly related news, I wanted to thank the Chatzy crew for humoring me when I show up with ideas or ask for guinea pigs to help test new items. You guys are the best Love.

--Susan on September 27, 2013 06:04am 7 Comments

I had trouble with the new skin.  When I tried to check it out the entire page went white and a pop-up asked for my log in info.  i tried to log in and it didn't revognize my username or password.  I disconnected from the network and re-conneccted in order to log ing again.  Is it just me?

-- no_promises on September 27, 2013 07:46am

Ignore previous comment.  Third times the charm.  This new skin has just became my favorite

-- no_promises on September 27, 2013 07:47am

Thanks for the thumbs up update. I just looked at the stories I have posted and it's wonderful to see how many people liked a story.

-- ginar369 on September 27, 2013 11:29am

Awesome banner, Spikester! And yay for the like count! {#Bow}

-- 3hours on September 27, 2013 05:44pm

You are SUCH a treasure!  BTW....I have a working computer again as of today so I can get back to work helping out.  You've all done such a great job I wasn't even missed (and that is a good thing to be sure).

LOVE the counts and other changes.



-- pfeifferpack on November 05, 2013 05:15pm

Thanks, Kathleen. Trust me, you were definitely missed. I tried to update the featured stories, and set out do it like you always do with a good mix of old/new/long/short/variously rated stories. I wound up with 4 old, R/NC-17, longer stories despite my best efforts. Oops :) . There is a reason that's not my job. I have no idea how you manage to always come up with such a variety of stories.

Also, even though Megan was awesome with the validation queue, I'm sure she's glad to have you back to help.

We're glad you're back!

-- Susan on November 06, 2013 12:07pm

*blushes*  Thank you.  Just updated it again with a slight mix.  I think you did a fine job!  I do try for variety because we have such a diverse group of readers and lots of lovely stories to enjoy.  I put an adults only story then retired it because I want to make the features accesabile to a wider oops on the first go LOL.  

I am so happy to be back but so happy you guys have been so wonderful as to cover for me.




-- pfeifferpack on November 07, 2013 11:40pm