Final Deets of the Satisfaction-athon

Assuming you caught the announcement post that went live a month ago, I can only assume you’ve all girded your loins and are ready for our mini Valentine’s Day event. If you’re still unsure about a thing or two, this is the post for you. 

Firstly, here is the award up for grabs:

Secondly, the mod team has decided to extend the timings of the event to better cover the range of timezones represented by you, our wonderful membership. 

You can start posting from NOON site time (which is currently GMT aka UK time) on Monday 13th February until noon site time on Wednesday 15th. That translates to 7am EST, and gives a total of 48 hours for you to take part. 

As stated in the original news post (linked above), you may post one-shots, art, or multi-chapter fics, BUT to be eligible, whatever you post must be new and complete. No WIPs here.

When uploading, you will see a tick box to indicate your fic is part of the event, and everybody who ticks that box will have their story listed on this dedicated event page and get a little heart icon beside their fic title, as designed by bewildered. 

--EllieRose101 and the Mods on February 12, 2023 10:44am 5 Comments

Ooh love it! I didn’t know how I was going to wait two days to post. 😉

-- Lady Emma on February 12, 2023 12:38pm

Also love the award!!

-- Lady Emma on February 12, 2023 12:38pm

Yay!  Love the award and love the extension!  Was having a hard time getting my story out of my head and onto the computer.  Even a few extra hours is helpful to have as a buffer.

-- honeygirl51885 on February 12, 2023 02:30pm

The heart icon is very cute! Well done Bewildered. I’m looking forward to lots of new fic to read the upcoming days. Great event! 

-- Teuntje on February 13, 2023 12:39am

Thanks much for the very neat participation award - 

-- nmcil on February 13, 2023 06:47am