
This time of year I usually feature holiday stories in the Featured Stories box.  

Since we are currently featuring AO stories in honor of the hot days of summer in the southern hemisphere and I really don't want to cheat anyone of the chance to read some wonderful AO fic I found myself in a dilemma.  Fear not and hurrah, I have stumbled upon a solution!!!

As of midnight tonight site time one of the current features (the very worthy but really dark Saving Grace by DreamsofSpike) will be retired early.  This is NOT because it is not as worth your time and attention as the others but with the author no longer being active in our fandom I thought her less likely to feel slighted if I chose her story for this purpose.

In the available slot there will be DAILY features of holiday stories from the 16th through (and including) the 25th.

So  KEEP LOOKING AT THE FEATURES FOR THE DAILY RECOMMENDED HOLIDAY TALE!!!!  And don't forget to check out the four wonderful AO stories that will remain until the normal time to change the features on the 26th!

Ho ho hoping you all enjoy the picks!


--pfeifferpack on December 15, 2016 01:13pm 5 Comments

That is awesome, I love holiday themed fics :)

-- AgentKalGibbs on December 15, 2016 03:09pm

Pardon my ignorance, but what's AO? 

-- EllieRose101 on December 16, 2016 01:27am

Great idea Kathleen biggrin

-- -Carrie-Ann- on December 16, 2016 06:25am

@EllieRose It's for Adult Only- could be for violence, difficult themes, or graphic sex that goes beyond the "norm" (or all three). Though both my AO stories are still pretty darn fluffy in the end- I just thought the sex needed a higher than NC-17 rating. 

-- Sunalso on December 16, 2016 02:30pm

Also I love having a featured holiday story biggrin Thank you! 

-- Sunalso on December 16, 2016 02:31pm