







Can I join even if I don't plan to write any stories?
Yes! What would stories be without people to read them? As long as you're at least 15 years old, feel free to register for an account, and be sure to comment and let the authors know you're enjoying their work.

Why do I have to join to read the NC-17/Adult Only stories? Other archives don't require this.
This is a preventive measure Elysian Fields takes to ensure young readers don't access stories with mature themes. It is in NO WAY fool-proof. We understand this, and believe the bulk of our readers do, as well. However, by signing up for an account, readers acknowledge and accept responsibility for what they read. This site is and will remain a haven for writers wishing to explore mature themes, but we must also try to be responsible -- or as responsible as an archive can feasibly be.

We are aware of the loopholes young readers can take to get around these roadblocks. We are merely taking an extra step -- a step other archives may not choose to take. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes, but registering is not difficult. It takes under a minute and we won't ever use your email address without your permission or spam you.

How do I register for an account?
Click here and enter the required information.

I'm trying to register, but it keeps telling me that I didn't answer the spam test correctly even though I know the answer. What am I doing wrong?
The answer to the spam test is only ONE (1) word: the items Spike likes in his hot cocoa. Do not include any adjectives describing the items. Also, make sure you're spelling the word correctly and that the word is plural.


What kinds of stories are allowed?
Please read our Submission Rules and Terms of Service to see our story requirements.

What ratings does the site use?
Go here to view our site ratings and rating descriptions.

What do the different category, genre, and warning tags mean?
Go here to view definitions for all categories, genres, and warnings. The mods reserve the right to correct any misused tags or missing warnings. If you're looking for a tag we don't currently have available, you can request it in our Suggestion Box.

How do I submit stories?
If you have not already done so, please register for an account. Once you've logged in, click on Account Information and choose Add Story. The form presented there will allow you to submit your story.

I just submitted a story, but it says that the story needs to be validated. How long will that take?
It depends. Our mods are spread across the globe in different hemispheres, and we all have lives, families, jobs, etc... We do this on a volunteer basis in our free time. We try to look over and validate new stories/chapters as soon as possible, but sometimes it does take a few days. We are pleased that you chose to publish here and will get to your work as soon as possible. Please be patient.

When will I be able to load stories without them having to be validated first?
Established authors can be validated so that their work does not need to be approved first. There is no set criteria that we use to validate authors. When we feel confident in your writing and are comfortable letting you post on your own, we will validate you.

Why is the site word count different than the word count from my word processing program/the text editor box?
Different computer programs come up with different results for the task of counting words because each program has its own method of counting. For example, some programs count contractions and hyphenated words as one word, while others count them as two. Word counts can vary depending on how how a 'word' is defined.

There are extra spaces between my story's paragraphs, why are they showing up?
For some reason, our text editor doesn't play well with older editions of Word and some other older word processing programs. The site reads single spaces as double ones, and so it puts extra ones in between paragraphs. You can just leave it as it is, edit them out manually by editing the source code of the story in the text box, or you can use a different word processing program to write your stories.

What is a beta and where can I find one?
A beta can be whatever you as an author need: a proofreader, a sounding board, a cheerleader, a fact checker, etc... Beta-readers are not just for authors starting out. Every author could benefit from a fresh set of eyes to look over their work just to give it a final polish and to make sure that a story/new chapter is ready to be added. We encourage all our authors to use a beta. If your submission gets denied, we may specifically tell you to go to a beta for help. To learn more about the beta process, click here and go here to find members who are interested in betaing.

How do I add a banner or image to my story?
Load your banner to your account in the Your Images section of your account info page, or to an image sharing site (, etc...). Make sure your image isn't wider than 910px or taller than 250px (It doesn't need to be those dimensions, they are just the largest your banner can be without being scaled down). Enter the image URL (which should end in .jpg, .gif or .png - nothing should be after the file type) into the line marked . Since your image will be displayed to all members, your banner may not contain questionable or NSFW images.

As an author, what if I don't want my stories distributed off-site?
It is the author’s responsibility to manage wishes for non-distribution. If you would prefer that your stories not be shared among members, please note this in visible areas, such as in the "story notes" sections of your fics and on your membership profile. Please also add your name to the “Request for No Distribution” list found here. Members are never allowed to re-post author's works to other sites without expressed consent of the author.


Why can't I access NC-17 or Adults Only material?
If you really are over 17 and you're a registered member, go to Account info and then Edit Preferences. Towards the bottom, you will see an option that says, "I am of the age of consent in my locale to view materials with adult content. I realize that by agreeing, the normal warnings for stories with adult content will be by-passed." Click the "Yes" button and then hit submit to save the change. Once this is done, you may need to clear out your internet browser history and cookies.

The text for the stories is too small for me to read. How can I make it larger?
To make the default site text larger, you can go into your account preferences and choose a larger text size than the normal one. Any time you are logged in, it will display your chosen text size. If you just want to adjust the story text size temporarily while reading, at the top of each chapter, you'll see - Text Size + . To make the story text bigger, simply click the + . Each time you click, the text size will increase. If you want to make the text smaller again, click the - .

I see that there are ePub downloads for ereaders, but I have a Kindle and it doesn't accept ePub files. What can I do?
It's easy to convert the ePub file into a MOBI file, which is compatible with the Kindle. To convert the file, you can download a program such as Calibre (this is also a handy program for storing and keeping track of your saved stories), or you can convert online with a site like this one: or email the file to your Kindle with a site like this one: Also, if you have a Kindle Fire, you can download apps such as Overdrive or Aldiko, which allow you to read ePub files.

Can I download ePub files to read on my iPad/iPhone?
Yes! To do this, use Safari on your device to browse to the story of your choice. When you select the ePub link, you will be able to select Open in "iBooks". This will place the chapter or story on your iBooks shelf and you can read from there even if you're offline.

I just read a story where the warnings/ratings aren't correct or it doesn't follow the site rules. Why is it on the archive?
Unfortunately the admins don't have time to read every story posted here at Elysian Fields. Once an author is validated, we don't review their works before they are posted for other members to read. We try to keep an eye on things as best we can, but sometimes things may slip through the cracks. If you come upon a story that violates site rules or terms of service, please let us know. Be sure to include the title and author of the story in question. Thank you!

As a reader, how do I know if an author requests no sharing of their work(s)?
EF maintains an author-updated “Request for No Distribution” list for current and previous authors, found here. Authors who are still members of EF will also often post this information on their fics and membership profiles. Authors on this list request that members refrain from sharing their works with others. Members are never allowed to re-post author's works to other sites without expressed consent of the author.


What are challenges?
Sometimes our members have story ideas that they'd like to see come to life, but for one reason or another, they don't want to create the story themselves. That's where challenges come in. If you have an idea that you haven't seen in a story before, feel free to issue a challenge. If you're looking for inspiration, and want ideas for a new story, feel free to look the challenges over, and see if you can find one that sparks your imagination.

How do I issue a challenge?
On the challenges page, click on Issue a challenge! and fill in all the necessary information on the Add Challenge page. Include enough information to get your ideas across, but try not to outline an entire story. You want to inspire an author's muse, not dictate the entire plot line. If an author responds to your challenge, they can interpret the challenge as they see fit, which means they are free to modify the requirements if need be. You can view and edit your challenges from the Your Challenges link in your Account Info page. Remember, adding a challenge doesn't mean someone will respond to it. Our authors are not obligated to respond to any challenges. Please don't contact authors asking them to respond to your challenge.

How do I respond to a challenge?
If you've been inspired by one of the challenges, the first step is to add your story as you normally would. Once you've added your story, find the challenge you're responding to on the challenges page or in your saved challenges list (if you've already saved it to your personal list) in your Account Info page. At the bottom of the challenge, you'll see a Respond to the challenge! link. Click the link, put a check in the box next to the story which is the challenge response and click submit.

What if I see a challenge that doesn't make sense/is inappropriate?
We don't screen challenges as they're posted, so we don't always see ones that don't belong. If you see a challenge that doesn't make any sense, doesn't fit the requirements of the site, or has inappropriate content, let us know. Please include a link to the challenge in question in your message.

What are those little pluses (+) next to challenge titles/What does the "Second this Challenge" link mean?
For more information, see this news post:


I can't log in/get a blank screen even though I've registered and have my correct penname and password. What should I do?
Clear your internet browser history and cookies. If that doesn't help, try a completely different browser than the one you're currently using. Some members have reported having issues with Chrome. If you are still having problems, please let us know.

When I try to update a new story/chapter, I get an error message. What can I do?
Sometimes the site acts up and won't accept a submission for one reason or another. If you're getting the error message after using the story text box, the best thing to try is to use a word processing program to save your work as a .txt file. Then, load your story via the Story Text (file) bar.

What do I do if I forgot my password?
To recover a lost password, click here and enter the e-mail address with which you registered. Your password will be sent to you shortly. If you don't get an email (check your spam folder), or no longer have access to the email account that you originally registered with, contact us with your penname and email address that is listed in your account, and we can reset your password for you. Please don't create a new account if you don't remember your password; doing so wastes database space. If we notice you have 2 accounts, we will delete one of them.

What do I do if I don't remember my penname?
You can use the lost password link. When you receive an email with your new password, it will contain your penname as well.

How do I delete my account?
Unfortunately, users cannot delete their own accounts. If for some reason you want yours deleted, contact us from the email address that you signed up with and make sure to tell us your penname. We can then delete your account for you. Remember, this is a permanent action and once your account is deleted, it cannot be recovered.

What are orphaned stories/How do I orphan my stories?
Orphaned stories are stories from authors who have chosen to delete their accounts, or from authors who no longer want to be associated with their stories. Despite disconnecting from the stories, or from the site itself, the authors have agreed to allow their stories to remain on the archive so that others can continue to enjoy them. The stories are simply moved to our orphan account, and are housed there.

If you'd like to orphan some, or all, of your work, you can contact us to let us know the details of what you'd like to orphan.

How can I change my password?
In your Account Info, click on Edit Bio/Personal Information and enter your new password at the bottom of the form where is says Password and Confirm Password. Once you click submit, you will be logged out and will need to re-enter the site with your new password.

How can I change my penname?
Users cannot change their own pennames. If you would like a penname change, please contact us while logged into your account, and we can change it for you. This will change your penname for any stories you've written, but your any reviews and challenges you've already written will still be listed under your old penname (however, they will still show up in your profile). We will only change your penname once, so please don't ask repeatedly.

Why do I keep having to log in to the site? When I am reading a story or inactive for a short period of time, the site logs me out and I lose my place.
The site will automatically log you out after certain periods or inactivity. The length of time is determined by the server, and we can't edit it. However, you can prevent the logout from happening by checking the box titled Remember Me when you log in. This will keep you logged in until you click the Logout link.

I should have gotten an email because I requested a new password/have my account set to email me when favorites are updated/should have received a notification, but I haven't gotten an email. Why?
Many times email providers put our emails in your junk mail folder. If you should have received an email from us, but didn't, please check your junk mail. Chances are it's there even if you have successfully gotten emails from us before. Email providers frequently change their spam filters, and they may send our emails to your junk folder even if they didn't used to. Our general site emails come from Make sure you get our emails by adding our address to your approved senders/contacts lists. Also, remember that you'll only get emails for new reviews/review responses/updated favorites if you have those options set in your preferences. In order to conserve resources, we turn off a number of email alerts for members who have not logged into their accounts for over 1 year. *Note: As of 8/2019 Yahoo and AOL mail is filtering out some of our emails, which is out of our control. Yahoo/AOL aren't reliable services if you want to regularly receive our emails.*

What do I do if I have a technical issue that isn't addressed here?
If you have a technical question or problem that can't be solved with the information listed on this page, please send us an email at In order to help us solve your issue as quickly as possible, please provide as much information as possible. This includes screenshots and exact URLs of pages where you're having problems. If you're having an issue with emails, please forward the email or copy it in your message. If you're not getting certain emails, please let us know exactly which emails you think you're not receiving (e.g. if you are missing story update notifications, let us know which story you should have received an email about).


What are those little blue and red ribbons that some stories have?
These are featured stories that we feel are deserving of your attention. Current featured stories have a blue ribbon () next to the title and previous ones have a red ribbon (). You can view all the past and present featured stories here.

What are Members of the Month, and how does someone become one?
Every month, we have a new author and commenter of the month. Those members are nominated by others here at EF. We do this to honor all the wonderful contributors we have here. We would love for you to become a part of this process. To read more about the procedures, and to make your own nominations, head over to the nominate page.

I don't really like the colors/banner/look of the site. Are there other options?
Yes! We have a number of skins, which control the appearance of the site. All of the skins are responsive based on your screen size, and they should work well on all devices. To make sure your skin preference is saved, make sure to change it under your Edit Preferences section. The drop-down skin change menus on the main page and in the footer will change your skin temporarily, but the next time you log in, it will go back to your default skin.

What's the difference between my favorites and my bookshelf?
They are pretty similar, and you can choose to use the two features however you wish. However, there are a few key differences: Favorites allows you to write comments, viewable only to you, on a story, series or author. Also, you will get an email when a favorite is updated if you have this option checked in your Edit Preferences section. If you have an author marked as a favorite, you will get an email when they add a new story. If you have a story marked as a favorite, you will get an email when a new chapter is added. Your bookshelf will not email you with updates, but it will keep track or the last chapter and date that you clicked on a shelved story (favorites does not keep track of that information). If there are additional chapters of a story on your bookshelf beyond the last chapter you clicked on, there will be a link to the next available chapter. Also, your favorites are public and viewable by others, while your bookshelf is not.

I can't remember the title of a specific story, can you help me?
If you're looking for a certain story, but don't remember the title, you can post the details that you remember in the Shoutbox on the homepage. One of our members may remember the story you're searching for and will be able to help you out.

I'm new to the fandom, can you tell me what some terms and abbreviations used here mean?
We know that sometimes fandom can be confusing with new terms and abbreviations. Here are a few links that can help you understand some of the things you might see around the site, or on other fandom sites:,, and

What's the shoutbox for? Are there any guidelines for its use?
The shoutbox is a place for members to say hi, rave about a story they're currently loving, ask if other members can remember the title of a story that may have been forgotten, complain about a bad case of writer's block, etc. To keep things running smoothly, and to make sure that all writers and readers feel welcome, we ask that you to follow these guidelines:

  • As with all interaction on the site, we ask you to be polite and speak to others the way you'd like to be spoken to. If you have an issue with a story, an author, or another member of the fandom, the shoutbox isn't a place to air grievances. Please remember that all terms of service apply in the shoutbox.
  • Please do not make site suggestions or ask questions about technical issues in the shoutbox and expect that an admin will take notice or respond to them. We do our best to keep up with the shoutbox, but as volunteers that’s not always possible. Site suggestions should be placed in the suggestion box, and technical issues should be detailed in a message to our site email.
  • We’re happy to help promote Spuffy/BtVS goings on around the web, but the main focus of the shoutbox should be Elysian Fields related discussions and events, not advertisements for other sites. If you have a Spuffy related event to promote, please restrict posts about the specific event to once per week, with updates about new material created for that event restricted to once per day. Promotions and/or solicitations for members to read/comment on individual fics or original works are not permitted. (This does not include requests for fic recommendations or members looking for a specific fic.)
  • Shouts are limited to 300 characters, which can make nuanced or in-depth conversations difficult. If you're finding you have a lot to say about any particular subject, you can post in our closed Discord server.
  • Shouts by members of Elysian Fields do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Elysian Fields administrators. If you have an issue with something posted in the shoutbox, please report it to an admin.
  • We reserve the right to delete any shouts that violate the guidelines listed above.

Are there other ways to interact with Elysian Fields other than directly on this site?
Yes, there are many ways to interact with Elysian Fields members and content. We have a Facebook page that makes general site announcements, and a private Discord server where we talk about anything and everything Spuffy. These are the only sites that are official extensions of Elysian Fields.

What can I do if I'm having issues with another member here?
We do our best to encourage a friendly and welcoming site, so we hope you never need this information. However, we know that this is the internet, and sometimes anonymity brings out the worst in people. If you feel like someone is cyber-bullying, trolling, or flaming you or others here on Elysian Fields, we want to help. Email us at with any concerns.

Can I link to my personal Patreon page or ask for compensation for the fanfic I write?
You may never ask for compensation for fanfiction. Links to Patreon/fundraising type sites are allowed, but only if the site does not include wording implying that patrons are expressly paying for fanfic/fanart. We're all writing/creating material based on copy-written characters, and we don't want any of our members, or the site itself, to get into legal trouble by attempting to make a profit off of that material. For more details, please see out terms of service.

Who's in charge here/Who do I contact for help/questions, etc...?
The current administrators and moderators at Elysian Fields are Holly, pfeifferpack (Kathleen), DarkVoid116, EllieRose101, and cawthraven. Pfeifferpack leads community relations; Holly oversees overall operations, is the voice of the Twitter and Instagram accounts, and spearheads member relations; DarkVoid116 helps manage the social communities and provides tech assistance; EllieRose101 serves as events manager; cawthraven helps manage story tags, submissions, and additional tech assistance. We all work together on site decisions and events. If you have a question, an issue, or a site suggestion, the best way to contact the admins is with a PM or an email to the specific admin you need, or to the general site email. If you post your question or concern in the shoutbox, it may not be seen by an admin since the shoutbox can move pretty quickly. Before you ask for help, please make sure that your question is not already answered above.