A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other All

Categories: Season 3
Characters: Angel, Buffy, Spike

Angel was in hell for 100 years. He cannot have been the same person when he came back. 

So what if he wasn’t? He’s had 100 years not only to get over Buffy, but create a narrative in which his being stuck in a hell dimension is her fault. 

Challenge: Angel comes back and he is not who Buffy remembers at all. He also still has a soul (he makes very sure she knows that). How does this affect Season 3? More importantly, how does it impact Spike when he barrels back into town for his love potion?


  • Spuffy HEA
  • Angel needs to be reasonably in character. This should not be an Angel-bashing fic, but a chance to build upon existing characteristics and character flaws to craft a view of how he might have realistically emerged from a hell dimension


  • Bangel for any amount of time
  • Spike/other (Past canon relationships are fine)
  • Scooby bashing
  • Angel bashing
  • Baby fic
  • Dubcon
  • Saint Spuffy 


  • Whether Angel is an active villain or just an emotional complication
  • How Faith figures into any of this
  • Angel’s fate (Is he redeemed? Is he killed? Does he go off to be a vampire detective?)

Categories: None
Characters: None

test challenge for image

Categories: Season 1
Characters: None
Summary: sus challenge

Categories: Season 4
Characters: None
Summary: Test Angry challenge

Categories: Season 3
Characters: Angel, Angelus

This is a poorly worded challenge that is riddled with spelling and grammar errors. Also, I am including every detail of the story so that no creativity is involved.

Categories: Comics (Season Not Specified)
Characters: Buffy, Clem

Mouth of hell!

Categories: Season 1
Characters: None

Test challenga

Categories: All Human
Summary: Buffy is abused by her father, Hank Summers. Running away at sixteen, she meets Joyce and Rupert Giles. They take her in, and she tries to have a normal life. She meets tall, dark, and handsome football star Angelus. They get into a relationship, but he starts abusing her. Finally getting the nerve to break up with him, she gets sent to the hospital after his final beating/rape. Buffy then meets and gets together with Riley Finn, who, tired of waiting for her to be ready, rapes her before beating her unconscious. Giving love one last chance, Buffy meets Parker Abrams. A charmer, he's using her and their one-night-stand finally makes Buffy give up on love. After getting moved to Sunnydale with Joyce and Giles, Buffy meets nerds Willow and Xander. Getting accepted into their group which includes Fred, Wesley, Dawn, and Connor, she learns to trust the all of them, but ends up meeting Spike: punk and bad boy extraordinaire. Interested in the new girl, he finally cracks through her walls and helps her learn to trust in love again. NOT POV! Pairings should be: Wesley/Fred, Xander/Anya, Willow/Tara, Buffy/Other, Buffy/Spike, Dawn/Connor.

Categories: None
Characters: None

A reality show where Spike and Buffy are competitors. ca be any time of reality show (hunger games, apprentice, basic training army type show, both are owners of competing companies such as a Bail bondsmen or body guard, dance competition). Andrew is host (total Storyteller mode).

MUST have: Anya is producer who will do anything to get ratings; immediate Spuffy combustable chemistry and Spuffy ending.

Everything from genre to other characters is authors choice.

Categories: None
Characters: None

The heroic tale of a love that wasn't meant to be. Told in the (somewhat arguementative POV's of Andrew and Jonanthan).

Andrew's POV - must include many geek comparisons and some (very) enthusiastic descriptions of Spike's body. He can be blogging about it or even writing the (true) story of their Epic love on a fan fiction type of site.

Jonathan POV - Spike is just a little threatening and is depicted as a stalker where Buffy keeps having to go to Jonathan for help and advise.

Both POVs include many contradictions by the other and an eventual agreement that Buffy and Spike are destined.


can have: author's account being hacked by Andrew and Jonathan. Picture Andrew from storyteller and Jonathan from Superstar and go from there.

characters: Must have the fab four - Buffy Spike, Andrew and Jonathan plus any others you want to include. Any genre.

Categories: Post-Series
Characters: None

Slayers were automatically allowed into Heaven when  there were just one or two but now that there are many they are judged on a case by case basis. It's found out that Buffy wouldn't have made it into heaven the first time if she was judged because of her involvement with the Initative because she allowed thier evil free reign before Adam just because they were human.(Not to mention I always thought it was incredibly creepy Buffy and Riley kissing over that demon being worked on and then having sex).Now if she dies she wouldn't make it in because of that and her treatment of Spike.

It has to be post Chosen at the earliest because of the multiple slayers. If can includes elements from the comics but if it includes Buffy sleeping with Satsu(and leading her on)  , have that be one of the reasons listed as Buffy being hellbound.

It can also include the Scoobies find out that they are also hellbound for various reasons like Willow what she did to Tara , trying to end the world, letting loose the First Evil, Xander his treatment of Anya, staying silent after Giles told him the singing and dancing were causing people to die and therefore letting more die.Dawn (and all of them) essentially kicking Buffy out to die and if the comics include her cheating as a mark against her (she can be considered borderline by whoever delivers the bad news to them if you want ) , and Giles for helping Wood do the first Evils dirty work in trying to kill Spike (I can't remember if Giles knew Wood had gotten the info from the First Evil).

Categories: Alternate Reality, Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5, Season 6, Season 7, Post-Series
Summary: Probably Post Chosen/AU but any season works. Total crack fic! The gang winds up in Cleveland (can be because of the hellmouth or not your choice). But the demon or whatever they are after is apparenlty working for or hiding on the set of Jerry Springer! (The show is based and taped there) The gang winds up as guests on the show.  You can have any "surprise guest" you want. From Angel, Riley, Dru who ever you want. If it before season 2 then Angel would be there and Spike would be the surprise guest. You get the idea. Let them all wave their freak flag high and all their dirty secrets come out! Spuffy ending of course, but how you get there is all your own.

You pick the season and the guests. But please no whipped puppy Spike, no matter the season. If it's post soul then have him be his own man. If it's pre-soul he can be evil or not. Your choice.

Categories: Historical, All Human

i want someone t write a spuffy fic based on Jane Eyre,like Vampgirly did.

You can read her fic for idea or you can finish it.I mean come on let be honesty she not gonna finish it,someone should.

Categories: Crossover (Books or tv shows outside Buffyverse)
Summary: I love the Harry Potter series, my favorite character from the series is Draco. I think he is such a misunderstood character. I always thought that Spike and Buffy would be perfect as Draco's parents, he has a combination of both of them, the looks a lot like Spike and he has a hard time expressing his feelings like Buffy. Sorry for going on and on let me explain the summary. Spike and Buffy are Draco's real biological parents. What happened was he was kidnapped when he was a baby. Who and why he was kidnapped, I'll leave that up to you. Lucius and Narcissa found him and adopted them as their own because they couldn't have a child of their own, they made everyone believe that Draco was their real son. Some how I want Draco to find out the truth, either he found out some how or Spike and Buffy finally found him. I would like Draco to be around the age he was in the first movie. I want the story to be about the struggle that Draco goes through with dealing with his real parents and also everything he went through in all the movies. I want this to be a long story because I want to see Draco grow up like he did in the movies and see if and how this will change him. Must have: 1. I want this to mostly be in Draco's pov, but I also want to have some pov in Spike and Buffy of course cause this is about them too, and I want to know how they are feeling too. 2. I'm a Drarry shipper, so I would like to have them together in the story. I would like them to realize that they love each other maybe around their 5 year at Hogwarts. I would like to see how everyone reacts to the news that Draco is gay. 3. I would like Lucius to be evil and mean to Draco like in canon, and that lets Spike really bond with Draco more. But I would like Narcissa to be motherly and love Draco like you can see in canon. 4. I forgot to mention when I wanted this to take place in the buffyverse. I would like it to be after the show ended for Buffy and Angel, and Spike and Buffy reunite and somehow have a child(again how they do is up to you, a prophecy whatever). 5. I'll let you explain the magic thing about why the are two different types the buffyverse magic and the Harry Potter magic. It could even be that the Harry Potter world is in another dimension entirely. That is really up to you. I think that is everything I could think of. Again I'm sorry if it was too long. If anyone needs to ask me anymore questions about the summary or anything else, just let me know. My email is I hope someone will write this challenge I've been wanting to read a story like this for a while now, because I love both Buffy and Harry Potter. (specifically Spike and Draco!!!)Thank you.

Categories: Season 5, Alternate Reality, Episode Rewrite, All Human

Glory’s mojo was tearing down the walls between dimensions, around the same time Angel and company were opening portals to Pylea. What would have happened if Buffy, Spike and Dawn had fallen off of Glory’s tower into the vortex and the three of them had wound up in a different dimension? Maybe even Pylea? The fact that Buffy fell through closed the portal Doc opened stopped the apocalypse and Giles killed Ben just like before.


Spike got thrown from the tower by Doc. Buffy beat the crap out of Glory just like before. But both of them made it back up to the top of the tower. The dimensional rip caused the tower to collapse with the three of them on it. They fell thru the vortex.


Did they wind up in Pylea? Or did they find themselves somewhere else? Do Buffy and Spike still have their powers? Is Dawn still the key? Or is everyone all human? If Dawn is still the key can she get them home? How long will it take? What will happen between Buffy and Spike while they try to find a way home? Can the gang bring them home and how will they find them?


Will Spike like it in the dimension they find themselves in? Will he want to go back? Did they get moved into their corresponding bodies in this dimension? If so did the personalities from this dimension go to the home dimension? What could happen then? Do Alt Dimension Buffy and Spike know each other? Are they a couple where they come from? What would the gang say about that? What about Dawn does she exist in that dimension or was she only created in one dimension? If our Buffy, Spike and Dawn aren’t part of the Alt Dimension how do they survive? How do they explain their appearance in this dimension? Do they stick together?

Categories: None
Summary: What if when Buffy and the gang bought their costumes at Ethans,Spike was spying on the Slayer? What if when they left without seeing him Spike stoled a red scarf or something from the shop he liked and wanted to wear? What if what he stoled was part of the matching nobleman part to Buffy's noble woman costume? What if this brought the two now memory wipped two together?!

Categories: All Human

William Giles(can change last name) is a college student and a bookworm nerd to the top level.William likes nothing more than to read poetry than party.But he does have one thing going for him,he has one heck of a singing voice.This is discovered some how by a local rock band,made up of fellow college students,who need a lead singer!

They offer William the spot but there is one catch.William is VERY shy and has a really bad case of stage fright when called to the front.Fellow new bandmate Oz helps William out with this.

He coachs William to create a new alter ego to use while on stage.Gone is nerdy nervous William and in his place there is kick butt,sure of himself punk lead singer Spike! Off stage William is a nerdy nice guy but on stage he's the 'dangerous bad boy' Spike.This mindset helps William get past his stage fright and lets Spike and the band become the BIGGEST thing on campus.

Now the idea is that Buffy knows of William from a few classes but sees him as a bit of a nerd,nice guy,but a nerd.Not anyone to date mind you.But as soon as she see's Spike on stage for the first time she falls(or so she thinks) madly in love with him! She goes out of her way to be around him and to catch his eye at every singing event she can.

Of course William can't tell Buffy who he really is under his Spike stage act so he's making excuses and dodging her advances,which only makes Buffy work harder to 'get' him!

 William does have a crush on Buffy but will she still want him when she finds out he's really William and not Spike? Plus will 'playing' Spike on stage bleed over into his real life and give William a bit more confidence? How will Buffy react when she finds out William and Spike are one in the same?!

Categories: Season 3, Episode Rewrite

Since I'll probably never write a work of fanfiction worth posting, I decided to issue a challenge, because ideas keep popping up in my head. So here's the deal: when PTB bring Angel back in S3, they forget one small thing - his soul. Or maybe Willow didn't manage to reensoul His Broodiness in time, whatever. So we get feral Angelus. But that's not it! (obviously) Initiative comes into picture earlier, captures still feral Angelus and chips him. While he's in the lab, the same thing happens to poor drunk Spike during Lover's walk. By that time Angelus isn't a caveman, or is it a cavevampire? anymore. Spike gets chipped as well and then they escape. Somehow they meet up with Buffy and the Scoobies - your choice. Make Buffy see that Spike is mucho better than Angelus in similar situation.


-chipped Angelus and Spike;

-perky, bitchy and a side of still angsty due to Angel-killing Buffy;

-nice Scoobies: keep it canon, but not too much, meaning violence against Buffy's relationship with Spike;

-Joyce and motherly advice;

-some snark and arguing from Spuffy;


-major character death;

-falling in love too fast - no stuff like "Oh how could I not notice the whole awesomeness of Spike! I love him!" - "The Slayer is the love of my unlife, sod Dru!" in the very first chapter;

-no Buffy-Angelus. Well, duh, it's a Spuffy fansite, but still... Gotta be careful;


-Angelus plotting against Scoobies, who helped him out;

-Faith (just without the whole Mayor stuff, cause it would just be too much);

-Reensouling Angel (but closer to the end of the story);

-OR killing Angelus. The only character who can actually die is him;

So that's it! I tried not to be much too restraining. Hope you like it and write some fics on this one:)

Categories: Season 6

This is a what if? What if instead of coming out of her coma in season four Faith woke up in season six?! Right in the middle of when Buffy was treating Spike bad with her sex than beat him up treatment.So what if instead of a body swap Faith decided to become Spike's new best bud,move into the crypt with him and just piss Buffy off by being around Spike all the time!

Faith finds she actually enjoys hanging out with Spike,patroling with him and just hanging out.Spike turns into not only her first non sex male friend but her first best friend.While the whole time Buffy is seething with jealousy.

Must end Spuffy of course but would be funny to see a very JEALOUS Buffy over what she thinks is Faith/Spike!

Categories: Alternate Reality
Summary: Okay, so I would attempt this myself but I really, truly suck at writing prose. It's quite painful really. Dialogue? Easy peasy. All the descriptive, prose-y, thought-y, actual story bits? Harder than Spike's crotch during a Buffy striptease. So that's why I've issued this challenge. You ready? Huh, huh? Ready? Here we go ...

My challenge is to write a fic where a BtVS fan from our world finds herself in the actual world of Buffy - transplanted straight into the living room of Buffy's house in front of the Scoobies.

Must Haves:

The fan has to be a Spuffy shipper.
She has to be a Spike fan first and foremost.
More than anything, she has to use logic and the fans' perspective to open the Scoobies' eyes to all that blinded them about what truly made Spike worthy of appreciation.
Must be in either S5 (post Crush), S6 or S7.
The fan has to be female.
The fan letting the Scoobies know just how popular Spike is in our world.

Can Haves:

Any characters you want (i.e. Riley, Angel, even though they didn't appear at that point in canon).
Can be any length, although the longer the better.
How she got there doesn't have to be a focus of the fic - (maybe the fan is be more interested in trying to 'fix' what we the fans always have problems with in the canon of the show?)
Can have as much or as little Spuffy smexin' as you like.

Can't Haves:

Gratuitous character bashing. I want everyone in character as much as possible.

Okay, so there you have it. I hope someone takes this and runs with it because I love this idea and am far too lazy/inept to do it myself lol.

Categories: All Human, Alternate Reality
Summary: I'm a sucker for online chatting stories. You can make it so that Buffy and Spike are in canon and chat, but don't know who the other is for a while...or make it all human and they meet in a chat room. I don't care as long as there is emails or instant messaging involved. It would be nice if they meet in the end though (in person), k?...I liove smut, but it doesn't have to have smut. If it does please add instant message sex ;)....Oh yeah! It can be Spike or William. I love them both.

Categories: Season 5, Crossover (AtS), Alternate Reality
Summary: Pairings: Spuffy. Buffy/Riley. Gunn/Gwen. Wes/Fred. Willow/Tara. Xander/Anya. Xander/Cordelia.

What if Spike hadn't survived the Gem fight against Buffy? What if he had been the one brought back by W&H instead of Darla? How would that change... everything?

The fight with Adam. The non-existence of Connor. The lack of 'evil' Angel. No betrayal by Wes. And let's not forget, a human Spike.

Must Have:
1. Canon Buffy S5, just without Spike. Until everything changes, of course.
2. A slowly building friendship between Angel and Spike.
3. Darla was sick, so she didn't know it, but she would still have strength beyond a normal human. Spike does too, and since he wasn't dying when he was turned...
4. Spike staying behind when the others go to Pylea and thus being called in to help the Scoobies with the Glory fight.
5. Buffy NOT dying.

Can't Have:
1. Bangel or Angel/Cordelia.
2. Character bashing beyond canon.
3. Character death. Spike's is 'off screen' or told through flashbacks.
4. Darla.
5. Faith.

Puppet Out!

Categories: Season 5
Summary: Pairings: Spike/Buffy. Dawn/OC.

There is no Glory. Dawn is kidnapped, early in the 5th Season and Buffy reluctantly hires Spike to go on a road trip to find her. It will take them all over America and even beyond, slowly starting a relationship.

Must Have:
1. Joyce with the idea to get Spike's help. Since Dawn is her daughter, Buffy can't argue with her.
2. Span over at least one year.
3. Chapters from Dawn's POV. Hers should be angsty.
4. Human kidnappers, bringing up the subject of the chip. But obviously they don't know this until they find Dawn.
5. Lots of Spuffy snark.

Can Have:
1. Dawn getting away from her kidnappers on her own and somehow bumbing in to Spuffy. Or getting recaptured again after a taste of freedom.
2. Very few Joyce POV.
3. Council involvement. Maybe no Slayer has ever had a kid sister before and they want to 'find out how'. (She's not the Key, but she could be something else.)
4. Buffy being afraid to fly and freaking out about being in the cargo since Spike can't get a seat.
5. Smut is optional. You can have lots of detailed smut or fade-to-black scenes. I don't read stories for the sex scenes and don't care if they exist :)

Can't Have:
1. Scoobies. This is about Spuffy and Dawn.
2. Fang Gang.
3. Instant Spuffy, though you can put this after Riley leaves, meaning Spike knows he's in love with her, but Buffy doesn't.
4. Character bashing, beside the usual 'Kick The Spike' game.
5. Character death of any but the bad guys.

Puppet Out!

Categories: Season 5, Alternate Reality

Pairings: Spike/Buffy. Willow/Tara. Victoria/Giles. Joyce/OC. Xander/Anya.

Buffy's grandmother, Victoria Joseph (maiden name: Haley), comes for her first visit since the Slayer relocated to Sunnydale. And she's coming with one hell of a secret. Turns out that when Victoria was Buffy's age, she too was the Chosen One. When she discovered  that she was pregnant with Joyce, she faked her death, thus calling on the next in line and went into hiding in plain sight. Now she's back in action, to help her granddaughter against Glory.

Victoria is thrilled to be meeting the network of people responsible for keeping her granddaughter alive all these years, and feelings arise between her and Giles. Especially after they realize how much they have in common, since Giles' grandmother was Victoria's Watcher, back in the day. And then Victoria meets Spike, another shadow from the past.

This will undeniably shake up the world of the Summers family... for good!

Must Have:
1. Victoria not knowing about Buffy being the Slayer, when she first comes to visit.
2. Victoria and Spike's past together isn't angsty. Instead she tells Buffy of a side to the Vampire the blonde has never seen. (or just doesn't want to admit to.)
3. Victoria will be the one to help Dawn deal with discovering her true heritage.
4. Victoria will be responsible for getting Spuffy together.
5. Flashbacks to Victoria's youth, either through her words or Buffy secretly reading the Watcher Diary about her grandmother.
6. Victoria was very young when she had Joyce, so she's not that old. She's Giles' age.

Can't Have:
1. Victoria being mean to Spike. She can rant out Xander though, when she hears how he treats Spike, Anya, Buffy and...well...everybody.

Puppet Out!

Categories: Season 5

Pairings: Spike/Buffy. Giles/Joyce. Willow/Tara. Xander/Anya.

This is my Buffyverse version of the movie "Freaky Friday". Exactly like in the movie, it's mother and daughter switching. Joyce has wanted to understand her daughter's calling since finding out the truth at the end of S2. Now, she'll get that chance. And Buffy? She'll learn about the secret meetings between her mom and a certain bleached, blonde Vampire.

Must Have:
1. Another villain than Glory.
2. Everyone unable to find a way to switch them back. Like the movie, it won't happen until they accept certain things about themselves and their lives.
3. Buffy as an only child.
4. Buffy dating Riley at first.
5. Joyce knowing ALL about Spike's love for Buffy. Which puts this before "Crush".

Can Have:
1. An ending like in the movie, where you read that two more Buffyverse characters are about to switch too, to reach understanding. Like Spike and Xander, or Willow and Anya :D

Can't Have:
1. Prophecy. It's just the wacky Hellmouth doing the switch, no real reason.
2. Dawn or Glory.
3. Fang Gang.
4. Joyce or Buffy dying.
5. Everyone instantly knowing that something is wrong. Buffy is allowed to act weird, after all :P

Puppet Out!

Categories: Season 5, Alternate Reality
Summary: Pairings: Spike/Buffy. Willow/Tara. Joyce/Giles. Xander/Anya.

What if Dawn hadn't come to Sunnydale as Buffy's younger sister? What if she came as the Slayer's daughter?

The monks create memories that make Buffy believe the dad is a man in LA, from when she ran away. Her memories tell her that she wanted to forget the pain of killing Angel and had a one night stand. Her pregnancy was why Angel left, letting her have a normal life and why Faith was sent to town, to take over the Slaying while she was pregnant. Of course, Faith still turned bad.

Now we're in S5 and Glory is looking for her Key, Joyce won't become sick because I have my theories on why she did originally. She will instead grow close to Giles. As Dawn grows, some strange characteristicts are discovered. Why in god's name does Buffy's daughter look and act so much like Spike?

Must Have:
1. Spike's blood was also used to make Dawn, making him her father.
2. At the end of Buffy vs. Dracula, when Dawn first arrives, she is 18 months old.
3. Buffy never dated Riley, because of Dawn. Or slept with Parker. Meaning that, not counting the fake memories, Buffy has only ever slept with Angel, the one time.
4. Anya is strangely enough the only one, besides Joyce, Buffy and Spike, who can calm baby!Dawn down.
5. Dawn's first word has to be totally weird, and yet not. Like Demon, or Slayer, or green goo or something having to do with the world of evil they live in.

Can Have:
1. Angel's reaction, if he finds out who the baby's father is.

Can't Have:
1. Evil Spike wanting to kill the baby.
2. Character bashing, unless it's Angel ;)
3. Too much fluff.
4. Instant Spuffy. Angst it up a bit.
5. Buffy dying in the end. Or any character death, really.

Puppet Out!

Categories: Season 5, Alternate Reality

Pairings: Spike/Buffy. Xander/Anya. Willow/Tara.

I found this segment on IMDB. "The character of Dawn was originally intended to have the power to speak to the dead. She was also supposed to be able to move objects with her mind. These powers were later dropped."

What if they hadn't been dropped? How would the fight against Glory have changed, not to mention the Spuffy relationship?

Puppet Out!

Categories: Season 5, Season 6, Alternate Reality
Summary: Pairings: Spike/Buffy. Xander/Anya. Willow/Tara. Faith/OC.

What if Faith hadn't woken up from her coma in S4? What if, instead, she woke up mere hours before the final battle against Glory. Somehow, her presence keeps Buffy from having to jump into the portal and the only one who dies that night is Glory/Ben. But what now?

Must Have:
1. An OC love for Faith. No Robin!
2. Slow building Spuffy, that's somehow helped by Faith's presence.
3. Nerds as "Big Bads".

Can Have:
1. Even though she 'saves' Buffy, she could still be 'evil' for a little while. Can't stay that way though.
2. Giles still going to England and staying there.
3. Buffy still struggling with the bills, but please don't put her in the Doublemeat Palace!

Can't Have:
1. Tara dying.
2. Instant acceptance of Faith by anyone but Spike and/or Anya.
3. Angel or anyone else from LA.

Puppet Out!

Categories: Season 4

Pairings: Spike/Buffy. Xander/Cordelia. Willow/Tara. Dana/Wesley. Joyce/Giles. Faith/Graham.

In the summer before S4, canon veers off, but not for the gang, not yet. Spike is busy researching the Gem, trying to figure out its location, when he stumbles across someone. What if Faith's fall hadn't just put her in a coma, but momentarily killed her as well? Bringing a new Slayer into the picture. More precisely, the psychotic Dana from Angel S5 episode, Damage.

As we all know, Spike has always been a softie, even when he was still evil. Considering that Dana kinda reminds him of his Ripe Wicked Plum, he takes her under his wing. After dealing with the issue of Dana remembering the two Slayers he's killed, they form a bond. Though still crazy, Dana finds something in Spike that she didn't realize was missing. A kindred spirit. He helps her evade the cops, gets her a new identity and hides her somewhere else in LA.

Cordelia has lived in LA for one months and is still trying hard to become a start. One night, while walking home from another unsuccessful night amongst the mediocre celebs, she runs into Spike and Dana. Though cautious of the Vampire responsible for the scar on her stomach, she is also smart enough to note the change in him. Coupled with her curiosity of the girl, she decides to approach them and start a conversation.

By the time the S4 episode "The Freshman" begins, the trio are traveling through California, looking for evil. Spike has accepted his new status as a White Hat, because no one has been there to tell him that he can't be good. By the time "Harsh Light Of Day" arrives, so do Spike, Dana and Cordelia.

What will happen now? Especially when Wesley Wyndham-Pryce gets involved and Faith wakes up?

Since this is extremely detailed I'm not writing any Must, Can or Can'ts. Just try to read some of my other challenges and I think you can get an idea of what I like :D

Puppet Out!

Categories: Season 4, Alternate Reality
Summary: Pairings: Spike/Buffy. Xander/Cordelia. Willow/Tara.

What if Xander had been fed up with his violent, drunk parents earlier? Two months before Buffy arrives in Sunnydale, 15 yr old Alexander Harris runs away from home. After a quick, teary goodbye with his two best friends, Willow and Jesse, the boy leaves town. He is in for quite a journey.

He returns in the beginning of S4... with Spike.

Must Have:
1. Spike never showed up in S2, so the others don't have a history with him.
2. Xander is completely accepting of the benign Demons in the world.
3. Xander being upset at himself for leaving, thinking that's why Jesse died.
4. All 3 seasons happening the exact same way, minus Xander. Jesse still dying, Giles giving Buffy CPR, Angelus getting his soul and then being sent to hell, Evil!Faith, the Snake!Mayor and so on.
5. Xander being wary of Buffy at first, on behalf of his best friend, who is the Slayer of Slayers.
6. Cordelia in SD and going to the same college as the others.

Can Have:
1. An Oz that was never bitten.
2. A less cynical Cordy.
3. OC Scoobies.

Can't Have:
1. Demon!Bigot Xander.
2. Xander bashing.
3. Xander treating Spike like in canon. They're friends. Close friends.
4. Buffy accepting Xander just because Willow and Cordelia know him. She's wary.

Puppet Out!