Active Beta and Sensitivity Readers
There is 1 beta reader who is active and currently accepting new stories. There are 3 sensitivity readers who are active and currently accepting new stories.

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Before contacting a beta or sensitivity reader or working with an author, please read our Guidelines for Authors, Beta Readers, and Sensitivity Readers.

*Elysian Fields does not screen beta readers or sensitivity readers. All information below is supplied directly by members and simply hosted by Elysian Fields. Using a beta reader or sensitivity reader from this list does not guarantee that your story or chapter will be validated.*

Ratings I'll beta: •G  •PG  •PG-13  •R  •NC-17 
Ratings I'll sensitivity read for: •G  •PG  •PG-13  •R  •NC-17 
I can help beta read: •American English  •Canon Elements  •Grammar  •Plot Suggestions  •Punctuation 
Turnaround for an average length chapter: 2-3 weeks
Experience: I beta for Holly, MillennialCryBaby, HappyWhenItRains, satinsafe, and others.
Story types/topics I will not beta or sensitivity read:
Additional Comments:
Ratings I'll sensitivity read for: •G 
Turnaround for an average length chapter: 1-3 days
Experience: test
Story types/topics I will not beta or sensitivity read:
Additional Comments:
Ratings I'll sensitivity read for: •G 
Turnaround for an average length chapter: 1-3 days
Experience: I beta for cawthraven, EllieRose101, and others.
Story types/topics I will not beta or sensitivity read:
Additional Comments: