Summary: It is two years after Sunnydale's demise and Buffy suddenly finds herself face to face with the two greatest loves of her life and one very simple choice... Not spoiler based. Hope to see you! A.
Beta and Sensitivity Readers: None
Artists: None
Categories: Post-Series
Characters: None
Genres: Romance
Warnings: None
Completed: Yes Chapters: 1
Word count: 8,899 Hit Count: 1,464 ePub Downloads: 68
Published: November 22, 2006 Updated: November 22, 2006

Print or Download Story: Printer Microsoft Word ePub eBook

1. Chapter 1 by kittiekat - Likes: 14 Comments: 6 Word Count: 8,899 Hit Count: 1,464

Hello to all!

It’s been a while, but since I bought Season7 this weekend and watched all day yesterday and finished it around twelve thirty last night, I needed a treat. I knew what was going to happen, of course. I read it on the upn site and also had a lot of my nice buddettes telling me of what was happening. I loved all the intimate moments between my two favorite characters. The fact that she sticks by him is also so very comforting and I can’t say how much I enjoyed Touched and End of Days (except for the Angel kissage, of course...) Anyways, the ending was all oh-what’s-gonna-happen and what-did-she-mean and I couldn’t have that. I had to go into deeper prodding mode and so this ficlet was created. This is what I want to happen, of course, NO SPOILERS in here what so ever for coming episodes.

There are SPOILERS for SEASON 7 of Buffy, naturally, and also some for the past season of Angel.

However, I have to say that we don’t have Angel where I currently reside and since I couldn’t find a decent chat room last night to get the low-down on the show I had to go on what little info I could get out of the WB site. So, forgive me if details are off. I have, for example, no idea what happened in Rome other than that Spike and Angel were SUPPOSED to save Buffy.

I have a few questions to anyone willing to answer. I get that SMG decided not to do Angel. Does anyone know why? Perhaps it’s for the better, I dunno. But I still feel it’s sad. Are they really thinking about making a TV-movie of some sort? And further more, after Rome – DID the vamps see Buffy and save her, or didn’t they have to? Does she now know that Spike’s alive, or doesn’t she? Was there any implication of this at all?

I’ve gone with the theory that she doesn’t know that he’s alive, which is my very own little theory, yessiree. But I couldn’t base this story on her knowing that he’s alive. I need to see her reaction, otherwise I will be deeply disappointed.

So, in SHORT: Spuffy, short ‘n nice, spoiler free for what is up ahead but not what is behind and I hope you’ll enjoy it, to some extent.